Is it Time to Start Planning for Summer?

It is freezing outside and it has been for over a week. My kids are going crazy and I am suffering from a severe case of cabin fever myself. My tables are covered with paint, play dough, googly eyes, toilet paper rolls, beads and other odds and ends I’ve thrown in front of my kids to keep them from destroying my home. All day, I kept thinking, “I wish it was summertime”. I have fond memories of last summer when we played outside most of the morning. My kids were completely worn out by noon (and so was I) so … Continue reading

Old Work Habits Die Hard

Prior to becoming a direct sales representative, I was an investigator for our county’s child protection agency where I spent my days interviewing people non-stop. “What happened to your child?” “What are your housing plans?” “How is your marriage?” When I wasn’t being nosey, I was busy making often feeble attempts to fix people. Needless to say, it was quite refreshing to leave my social services job and work with people that didn’t have the same issues as my “customers” from my previous job. I was ready for a change of pace. Within the first few months of my business, … Continue reading

4 Ways to Treat Work at Home “Cabin Fever”

I am suffering from a horrible case of cabin fever as I am writing this. I live in Montana where I am surrounded by lovely log cabins and majestic mountains. It is gorgeous here. However, it is mid-winter and I am surrounded by snow (and lots of it). I am itching for spring to arrive. I am daydreaming about sitting by a campfire and lounging on a hammock. I can’t wait to put burgers on the barbecue and kick back with my feet propped up on a cooler. Ahhhh…I can hardly wait for warmer weather. Many home-based workers suffer a … Continue reading