Marriage with Benefits

Have you heard the expression “friends with benefits?” In case you haven’t, it means that you have a friend you can be sexually intimate with without the other strings attached. (i.e. No commitment issues like boyfriend/girlfriend titles or exclusivity claims. You hook up at will and go your separate ways afterwards.) Attitudes Towards Marriage Why is it that so many people see marriage as negative? As a trap or something that will stifle them as an individual? On some level I realize the general attitude towards marriage is one of sacrifice. You’re going to have to give up a part … Continue reading

Accentuate the Benefits

Years ago, in my former life as a nonprofit fundraising and marketing exec, I learned a very important “rule”—accentuate benefits—above features, causes, or any other motivational factor. People respond to “benefits” and the more you can make a direct connection with how they and their lives will benefit from the products or services you have to offer; the more likely they are to become loyal customers. So, what does this actually mean and what is a “benefit”? Let’s say that you have a window washing company. You can tell customers that you: wash windows, use environmentally safe cleaning materials, and … Continue reading

Bali Club and Giveaway

The Bali bra is famously popular in the land of women’s lingerie. Anyone and everyone has heard of it. They make a bra that is so comfortable you may even want to wear it to bed. The Bali Company was born in the late 1920s. A young woman who worked at a bra manufacturing company decided to take it upon herself and improve on what was being sold on the market at that time. She designed a bra which accentuated a woman’s figure instead of squelching a woman’s figure like the bras did at that time. Sara Stein made these … Continue reading

Are You Doing Too Much Whining?

We all need to vent and share our frustrations and “issues.” As home business owners, we may think we have more than our fair share of trials and tribulations. However, as the main representative of our home-based business, it is important to keep the whining and negative attitude in check—especially when dealing with customers, prospects, and vendors. Sometimes whining is hard to catch. We may spend so much time working alone or in isolation that when we make contact with a listening ear, we just need to vent. We may vent about other customers, a negative experience with a vendor … Continue reading

Taking the Focus OFF Yourself and Your Business

I can get fixated. With so much riding on my building my home business, things can get out of balance and out of whack. I’m sure I am not alone when I confess that sometimes I can get into a rut where it is all about me and my business. While keeping the drum of public relations going can be a good thing, it can also be incredibly rejuvenating and re-energizing to take some of the focus OFF for a good change of pace… I suppose too much of anything can be a “bad” thing and that goes for ego … Continue reading

Keep Your Business Message Positive

Despite all the mud-slinging and negatively slanted reality shows and sensational media stories, people do respond to pleasantries. Especially when it comes to where they spend their money. If you’ve ever stopped to think about all those commercials and successful corporate advertising campaigns, you will notice that they all have one thing in common–they approach the message from a positive perspective. What message is your home business sending? Is it a positive one? Perhaps you have been so busy with day-to-day details of running a business that you have not really taken the time to think about what the message … Continue reading

Are You Process-Oriented or Results-Oriented?

There is no definitive right way to go about building a home business, and there is no one personality or style that guarantees success. The trick is to develop enough self-awareness and understanding in order to make the most of what you do have and find an approach that works best for you as an individual. One key way to look at your approach to business is to figure out whether you are a person and business focused on the “process” or one that is focused on “results.” If you are process-oriented, you are someone who enjoys the details and … Continue reading

10 Ways to Help You Succeed in Your Resolutions to Get Fit

Our lives are a series of choices that we make from the good to the bad. Everything is about choice. We tell our daughter to make good choices and we strive to make good choices for ourselves. When we make resolutions, we are resolving to make positive choices. The problem is, too often we get tied up in how to make those choices work for us. It’s easy to say we’re going to make resolution to get fitter. It’s easy to say we’re going to work out in the morning. It’s harder to deliver on what we say. So you … Continue reading