Aiming For Faster Recoveries

If something goes wrong or awry in your home business, how long does it take you to bounce back? In the beginning stages of our businesses, it may take us a while to figure out what has gone wrong, do the research to come up with solutions, and implement “the fix.” However, as we grow and build our businesses, one of our goals can be to have speedier recoveries so that we can get things moving again quicker. I think it helps that we learn from our mistakes. As we amass mistakes and “learning opportunities” in our home businesses, we … Continue reading

Are Your Standards Too High or Unattainable?

High standards in the business world are a good thing, right? We all want to be known for keeping high standards and doing the most amazing work—but sometimes we can set our expectations so high that they are actually unattainable and off-putting—especially if we let those expectations seep over onto our relationships with our customers and clients. Have you ever gone into a store where they sales person made you feel like you didn’t deserve to shop their? I think most of us have had that experience where we were met with a snobby salesperson or someone who treated us … Continue reading

Who Can You Blame When The Ball Gets Dropped?

We often talk about all the benefits and perks of running a home-based business, but there really are some downsides as well. There are things that some of us miss by working from home—one of which is that there is no one else to blame when things go awry! When you are on your own and the ball gets dropped—who can you look to but yourself? I am not really talking blame and negative self-talk here—that doesn’t help anyone. Neither does guilt or beating ourselves up when things go wrong—but for me, knowing that I am not only “the buck … Continue reading

Letting Your Influences Change

I think one of the ways we can choke our businesses is by getting in a place where we have limited influences. Perhaps we have found a great mentor, or a particular business author who we rely on and go to again and again. While it is great to have the tried and true methods and influences to fall back on, we also need to let new ideas and influences into our businesses if we are going to continue moving forward. Now, I’m not saying you need to abandon those influences that you have come to trust and rely on … Continue reading