Could Your Art Become Your Home – Based Business?

If you are an artist, you may wonder whether creating and selling your artwork could become a part time or full time home – based business for you. The answer is yes, it can, if you promote your art so that would – be buyers can see it. While art is created wherever an artist creates it, art must be promoted in order for it to be seen by other people. When other people see your art, they can appreciate it. Even more than that, they can buy it. In order to make a full time or part time living as an artist, you … Continue reading

Do You Brag about Working from Home?

I posted a Facebook status this week that managed to get quite a few likes. Yet I had hesitated on posting it because I didn’t want to sound like I was bragging. It was on a day that was absolutely gorgeous outside. Low 70’s with a breeze. I managed to finish my day’s work an hour before my children were expected home from school. So I went outside with my Kindle Fire and sat in my favorite corner of the yard. In addition to enjoying “Words with Friends,” reading and looking at my email, I decided to post a status … Continue reading

Transitioning from Work to Home Mode

I was recently thinking about some of the positive aspects to working outside the home. For instance, commuting can be a real source of frustration for many who do it on a daily basis. But I was thinking about how it can also be used as a time of transitioning. That commute can help you move from home mode to work mode and then vice versa when the day is over with. Depending on how long you are commuting and the form of transportation you take, you could spend your time unwinding by listening to music or reading. The point … Continue reading

Thankful…Even If I am Working the Day after Thanksgiving

Yes, it’s the day after Thanksgiving and I am working. I don’t get to stand in a long line, waiting for door buster savings at my favorite stores…no Black Friday shopping for me. I didn’t get to sleep in very late. In fact, this week doesn’t feel much different than most weeks. The only way I was able to “take off” yesterday for Thanksgiving was to plan my work so that I would end up spending some of my Saturday doing it. Now don’t get me wrong…I am not trying to get sympathy. Would I rather be enjoying the day … Continue reading

Giving Thanks for My Home Based Businesses

Tomorrow is my favorite holiday, Thanksgiving. I love the idea of dedicating an entire day to reflecting on things that we are thankful for and spending time with loved ones. In fact, one of the things that I enjoy the most about it is that the arrival of Thanksgiving gets people in a grateful and appreciative mood before the actual holiday as well as during and after it. Today, I would like to join my fellow bloggers Richele McFarlin and Stephanie Romero in expressing thanks for my home based businesses. My two home based businesses have given me the freedom … Continue reading

Thankful for Working at Home

This year I am thankful I work from my home. It is hard work and you must be accountable to self yet the rewards are worth it. We often talk about the darker side of home businesses or work at home jobs. It really is a reality check because not everyone is cut out to work from home. Some need more social interaction, steady pay, and the transition of office to home. Making the move to work from home is a sacrifice and far from laid back. Yet, there are many wonderful things I am thankful for this year. I … Continue reading

Expressing Thankfulness for Your Home Business

It was decided kind of last minute that I would be hosting Thanksgiving this year. Turns out, this is a good thing because it will force me to take a day off. When you work from home, it can be very easy to work right through the holidays. In order for me to take off however, I will need to revamp my schedule. I may have to work on Saturday instead. But that’s okay…I am recognizing the importance of putting aside my work when it’s necessary. But just as important, is unplugging myself from the computer (which is where I … Continue reading

Another Great Thing About Working From Home

Last week, my colleague Stephanie Romero wrote an excellent post about working from home while sick. I wholeheartedly agree that there is so much to appreciate about working from home when you are not feeling well. Home-based professionals can get the rest that they need when they need it, make themselves comfortable, and get things done during their sick days as they are able to. Additionally, we do not have to worry about getting other people at the office sick if what we are sick with is something contagious like a flu or stomach bug. Home-based professionals are also able … Continue reading

Working While Sick

This past week and a half, I have really come to appreciate the ability to work from home when you are sick. Where else can you still get your work done, yet stay in your pajamas? Or where else can you get to things as you feel up to it? Only in a home business. Last December I had my first bout of something called costochondritis. It is basically inflammation in your rib/sternum area. But the symptoms are the same as you experience when you are having a heart attack…chest pain, pain that shoots down into your left arm, difficulty … Continue reading

Dads and Home Based Business

Father’s Day is in just a few days, and I would like to discuss some of the ways that dads contribute to home-based business success. Some dads are home-based professionals. Many men enjoy the freedom that comes with entrepreneurship or home-based work and they often achieve professional goals that far exceed what they had imagined. Some of these dads are also stay-at-home dads, balancing fatherhood and work while building close relationships with their children. It is also important to note that stay-at-home dads provide valuable support to their wives or girlfriends in their careers whether the women work outside of … Continue reading