Are You A Freelance Writer? Have You Tried Blogging?

Whether you are new to freelance writing or you are looking to expand your skill set, I would like to recommend that you give blogging a try. You may be wondering whether there is a place for your unique voice in a group blog or collection of blogs. I know that I was asking myself that very question when I started out. The answer to that question does, of course, depend upon the individual and also upon what blogs are looking for writers and what kind of writers they are looking for. Nonetheless, I would like to encourage you to … Continue reading

Signs that you Might be the “Default” Parent

There is a somewhat controversial article going around the internet about the “default” parent. Some people seem to relate to what it talks about. Others seem to feel that the concept does not (or should not) exist. What’s a “default” parent? Why is this concept generating online drama? Here are some signs that you might be the “default” parent in your household. Writer M. Blazoned wrote a post titled The Default Parent on her blog. It has been cross-posted to Huffington Post. It is well worth taking the time to read. The comments left on her blog are, for the … Continue reading

Sitting Can Kill You

Just when you start to feel pretty good about your health, a new study comes along to smash it all to smithereens.  Apparently, exercising isn’t enough if you sit on your bottom for more than six hours a day. After doing some quick calculations I realized this is the case for me.  Like millions of others, I have a desk job.  So I am pretty much forced to sit. Not only are they saying it’s bad for your health.  It could even be killing you! Why?  Our bodies go into shutdown mode when we are sitting.  Doing this for long … Continue reading

Trick Yourself into Saving

“Trick Yourself into Saving.” That was the title of a recent magazine article that appeared in one of those popular magazines that are geared toward women. The subhead promised to show readers how they could use mind games against themselves to make saving money painless and fun. Seriously? I’m all for tips about saving money, but I really think that trying to fool yourself into doing it isn’t the way to go. You want to establish good lifelong money habits, not quick tricky fixes that will save you money in spite of yourself. Badly played national magazine for women; badly … Continue reading

Increase Your Earning Power Right Now!

There are two ways to be more financially solvent: cut your costs or earn more money. While there is nothing wrong with using coupons or getting the best prices on your purchases (we stretch our money in many ways), you may get a bigger bang for your buck, so to speak, when you increase your income. After all, while there may be a limit to how much your save, there isn’t a limit on how much you can potentially earn. 1. Earn money on the side The easiest way to increase your earning power is to start a side business. … Continue reading

Politics, Social Media, and Your Home Based Business

The election is coming right up, and I will be so glad when it is over. While I have paid some attention to the discussions that are going on in order to make an informed decision of how to vote, I have refrained from participating in the outpouring of political discussion that has been going on on Facebook. That may seem odd to some people, I mean, I am a lawyer – don’t lawyers like arguing and debating? Sorry to disappoint, folks, but I only like arguing and debating if I am getting paid to do it. Anyways, as the … Continue reading

More Tips For Overcoming Writer’s Block

If you are a freelance writer, it is inevitable that some days you will come up empty handed when you sit down to write. Sometimes it happens when you are up against a deadline, other times it happens when you are just sitting down to do your regularly scheduled work. It does not matter much when or why it happens because no matter when or why it happens you need a way to get the words flowing again. Here are a couple of ideas for things to do when you simply have no words at the ready. You can try … Continue reading

A Primary Basic: You Are Special

The primary lesson that is coming up for week 4 seemed a little lackluster to me. It is about respect others, which boils down to one of the ten commandments, “Love thy Neighbor”. I wasn’t a big fan of what the outline suggested, but it did trigger in my mind a way that I could present the simple lesson to the children that everyone is a child of God. I chose the book, You Are Special by Max Lucado. He is not an LDS writer of children’s books, but a great one with inspiring lessons. I love this book because … Continue reading

Small Changes That Could Boost Your Productivity

If you have been working from home for a while, it is likely that you have settled into a comfortable work routine. Perhaps you start each “shift” in the same way, or you have a pattern of doing tasks in a certain order. Routines can be wonderful and they can help to keep you on track. Sometimes, though, you can find ways to adjust your routine in order to become even more productive. A couple of ideas for adjustments that you could make to your work day fall under the general topic of doing less and accomplishing more. I know … Continue reading

Pricing Tips For Freelance Writers

One of the keys to a successful career as a freelance writer is figuring out how to price your services so that you can win the jobs that you want, and hopefully even get repeat work. Since writing projects vary so greatly in what skills they require and how long they take to complete, it can be hard to determine what to quote for any given situation. Some job postings ask for you to submit your bid with a certain type of pricing, either hourly or for the project. That takes the guesswork out of which type of bid to … Continue reading