How Many Hats Do You Wear?

Have you ever really thought about the many hats that you wear? Most of us who run a home-based business have many other responsibilities. We may be married, have children, do volunteer work, care for a family member and the list goes on. Sometimes I find that I am trying to wear more than one hat at a time, especially in working from home. In the middle of my day I might have to take care of an errand for my husband. Or I may have to pick up my kids from school, only to go back a couple of … Continue reading

How to Prepare Yourself for Decluttering

Decluttering can be a difficult thing to do, physically, mentally and emotionally. If you aren’t prepared for the task at hand, you may find yourself giving up early or not knowing where to start. A successful decluttering, whether it is one room or your whole house, starts with some preparation. Let us start with the emotional piece. Letting things go can certain stir up some emotions. Give yourself a pep talk about how you can let things go. Don’t focus too much on individual items but on the end results of your decluttering project. Imagine your beautiful living room, your … Continue reading

Measure Your Inches Not Your Weight

Most of us, who are concerned about fitness, base it on our weight. We step on the scale (sometimes on a daily basis) and we determine our success by what the numbers say. If they have gone up, we get discouraged (even by one pound) and if they go down (again, even if it’s just by one pound), we are elated. But what the scale says isn’t the only measure of how well we are doing. You could be staying the same, yet losing inches. So be sure to not only consider your weight but your inches. The reality is … Continue reading

It’s Never Too Late to Change

If there is one thing I have learned in my marriage, it’s that it is never too late to change. Now before you get your hopes up, in thinking that I am talking about your spouse…know that I am actually talking to you. So often we are looking at the things in our spouse that we would like to see changed. Yet if we would spend more time examining the state of our own hearts and the attitudes that we have, we are likely to find that we have our own issues. It is so much easier to spend your … Continue reading

Keeping the Holiday Spirit When You Feel Like Scrooge

When you have to watch your budget over the holidays, you may start to feel like Scrooge himself. Always being the watch dog over finances can do that to a person. You can begin to feel like the bad guy. Just remember that Bob Cratchit was on a budget, too, and he represented the very spirit of Christmas…a loving family who honored the Savior’s birth. Take the Focus Off of “No” It is easy to get into the habit of focusing on the “nos” all of the time. “No, you can’t have an iPod even though your friends all have … Continue reading

How to Mentally Take Control of Your Labor Pain

Have you ever wondered why a person will cringe at the thought of a vaccination, but will gladly let someone put a piercing gun to their lobes for a new pair of earrings? Some people hate going to the dentist, but have no problem putting on a pair of rollers blades and burning down the bike path like they have jets on their skates. Pain is relative, and our experience with pain has more to do with our understanding of it than the physical amount of it. Sometimes all we need to endure pain is a sense of purpose and … Continue reading

What to Do If Your Marriage Is in Trouble- Part 2

Yesterday we looked at ways to try and rectify some of the warning signs that a marriage is in trouble. Here are suggestions for combating the remaining warning signs. 7. Find an activity you both enjoy and take up that hobby or sport together, it could be painting, tennis, gardening, bushwalking. It doesn’t matter what it is, so long as you can share it together. 8. Before you are tempted to criticize, stop and think how you’d feel is if the criticism was directed at you. Change it and say something positive about your spouse instead. If they are the … Continue reading

Already Tired of Resolutions? Give Yourself a Rest

You may think it’s a bit late for New Year’s resolutions, but I always give myself some slack the first two weeks of January. I want to enjoy the full 12 Days of Christmas, and then I want to get back into the work/school routine again so that I can really see where we want to make changes. I have made suggested resolutions for adoptive parents before, and made others just for myself before. Upcoming blogs will have my reflections on those resolutions, as well as information on events in 2008 that affect the world of adoption, such as the … Continue reading

What can You Learn from Your Successes?

It is common to look at mistakes and failures and try to mine the lessons that we are meant to learn. I would like to propose that we can not only learn from our mistakes, but we can learn from our successes too. In order to be aware and look at the ways we can continue to make improvements as single parents, let us look at the things we do well and the things that GO well in our lives, and see what lessons can be learned from those! Of course we know to explore our mistakes and figure out … Continue reading

When it is a Good Idea to Ask Yourself “What If?”

We have many of us heard that asking the “what if” question can be a trap; it CAN be a way of focusing too much on stuff that could happen and not enough on the present. Many experts will warn those of us who get stuck wondering what could happen to let go of those thoughts and try to get grounded in the present. I would like to argue, however, that asking the “What IF?” question can be a way of getting inspired and growth-focused for our home businesses. What if you expanded your business and started gathering customers in … Continue reading