Can You Guide your Family Calmly?

Being the sole authority in your family and being in charge does not mean that you need to be the person who yells the loudest or even talks the loudest and the longest. For some of us, we get confused that being in charge means holding court and forcing things our way. As the authority of a single parent family, however, staying calm and providing firm, yet calm guidance can make for a much healthier, happier family. We know that decisions and actions we make when we are calm are usually better and have a more positive effect on our … Continue reading

Desperation and Pressure

Desperation can be an all-to-common theme for many of us in our home businesses. The trouble with desperation is that it not only causes us all sorts of stress and worry, but it also puts us in a weaker place when it comes to negotiations and decision-making. When we get into a place of desperation in our businesses, we can really start to feel the pressure to fix things immediately and that might not be the healthiest for our businesses (or ourselves) long term. In order to understand how devastating desperation can be to our decision-making, think of how you … Continue reading

Have You Done Everything You Can to Make it Work?

The title for this blog could apply to your home business as a whole entity, or it could apply to individual customer or client relationships, certain projects, or other specific elements of your business that are giving you fits. Before abandoning a person, project or thing, it is a good idea to make sure that you have done everything you can to make it work… A colleague recently reminded me of this valuable little truth when I was talking about a particular work situation. I shared that I didn’t really know what the lesson was or whether or not I … Continue reading

Are You Making Decisions in Desperation?

I am not saying that a person cannot make decent decisions under pressure, but I do think it is far better to come from a position of strength and level-headedness than to be making decisions that affect our home businesses when we are feeling desperate. People tend to be more inclined to take uncalculated risks when they are feeling desperate, and desperation can make people do all sorts of unsavory and ill-advised things. I know that we cannot always be expected to come at our businesses and our problems from a place of strength and confidence; there are certainly those … Continue reading

Losing Steam

We talk often here in the home business blog about finding ways to stay motivated and keep up the energy level and focus when it comes to operating a home business. For most of us, this is a genuine concern and something we truly wrestle with. I know there must be people out there who seldom lag or slack, but I haven’t met them yet! As for myself, I am learning that I can only sustain things for so long and then I just lose steam. It doesn’t do me any good to berate or kick myself for the ebb … Continue reading