How did This Problem get Started?

A goodly amount of time in any home business is spent solving problems. Whether they are problems that come to us by way of our customers and/or clients or if it is something that has gone wrong in our daily operations—problems can be consuming. Instead of simply treating the symptoms, however, it can be helpful to dig in and try to figure out how the problem got started. Not only can this help you solve the problem at hand, but it can also help to fix a “systems” problem to make sure that it does not happen again. Let us … Continue reading

Let Them Work on it First, Before You Step In

As most of you know, my children are older–all older teenagers but they all still live at home. Instead of T-ball, simple social spats, and summer camp, we are dealing with things like choosing college and careers, driving, and identity struggles. Still, I find that some parenting techniques that worked well when they were younger and “coming up”–continue to work well. AND, I anticipate that I will be able to modify and use them as they become adults too. One such philosophy is to let the kids work on their problems and struggles first, before I step in and try … Continue reading

Do You Still Read the Want-Ads?

Not too long ago, I was talking with another home business owner and she confessed that she still “reads the want-ads” every Sunday in the local paper. “Just in case” she added when she made the confession. It got me to thinking about whether or not reading the want-ads or classified ads for jobs once one was busy building a home businesses represented lack of faith and commitment or just made good sense? My opinion is probably tainted by the fact that I have more work and “jobs” right now than I can comfortably handle. There really isn’t any room … Continue reading

Can You Be Too Apologetic?

I have written lately about how we naturally make mistakes as we go through life–particularly as they pertain to our home-based businesses. It got me to thinking about making apologies and amends and I remembered learning years ago that in the workplace one should only apologize once for a mistake, attempt to fix it, and then move on. I wondered if this “rule” still works when applied to our home businesses? It is one thing to own up to mistakes and make every attempt to make things right. It is quite another to be so apologetic as to appear weak … Continue reading