Are Your Standards Too High or Unattainable?

High standards in the business world are a good thing, right? We all want to be known for keeping high standards and doing the most amazing work—but sometimes we can set our expectations so high that they are actually unattainable and off-putting—especially if we let those expectations seep over onto our relationships with our customers and clients. Have you ever gone into a store where they sales person made you feel like you didn’t deserve to shop their? I think most of us have had that experience where we were met with a snobby salesperson or someone who treated us … Continue reading

Do Comparisons Help or Hurt?

I tend to subscribe to the personal belief system that comparing myself to other people and other situations is not good for me—but when it comes to operating a business, it can be hard not to try to keep up with what other businesses are doing. After all, isn’t that what competition and paying attention to the market trends are all about. Still, I have read some experts who say that focusing on competition isn’t necessary in business and that if we just tend to our own shelves, things will go better. What do you think? I am not an … Continue reading

Keeping it Small on Purpose

I often write about growth and “building up” a home-based business. But, many of us started our home businesses because we wanted to work on a much smaller scale. While we many want to boost our income, one of our main focuses may just be to keep our business small, personal and manageable—and that is absolutely all right! There is no law that states that all of us have to aspire to building a corporation or a conglomeration from our home-based businesses. Many of us actually never even intend for our businesses to be our main source of income—they are … Continue reading

Many New Things Seem Complicated

Think about something new that you undertook in recent months…chances are those first few days or attempts seemed scary and confusing. Think over a time when you started a new job…in addition to the excitement and energy, there was probably a fair amount of stress and things might have seemed incredibly complicated. Soon, though, you were probably sailing through the job and it may have even become boring and repetitive. This is how it can be in our home businesses too—the unfamiliar can be completely confusing and overwhelming. When I think back over all the things that I have learned, … Continue reading