What I Discovered in My Self-Evaluation

Last month I wrote about the benefits of a self-evaluation. It is a great way to evaluate where you are at, what you would like to change and what you hope to accomplish in your career. Since those of us who work from home typically don’t have the opportunity to receive feedback from others, we can at least take a good look at our business practices and habits and take note of what could be improved and what goals we would like to set. A couple of weeks ago I finally went ahead and did a self-evaluation. What I discovered … Continue reading

Disciplining Yourself Isn’t Easy

It is eerily quiet. I am at my desk and the only sound is the clicking of my fingers going across my keyboard. My children returned to school yesterday. It is now my second day working full-time from home during the school year. I wasn’t sure what to expect. I have been looking forward to this day, imagining the sounds of nothingness and not having constant interruptions. Yet the quiet has made me feel a bit sad…not an emotion I expected to feel. The past two weeks especially have been difficult. I was trying to juggle my work, get in … Continue reading

Benefits of a Self-Evaluation

One of the things I always dreaded doing when I was in the workforce outside of my home was a self-evaluation. Many employers now require that not only do they give an appraisal of your work but you give one of yourself. My last job outside of the home was as a preschool teacher. I remember being handed a four-page self-evaluation form to fill out and inside, groaning. You find yourself in a real struggle. If you give yourself a higher rating it may sound like you are being prideful. If you give yourself a lower rating it may sound … Continue reading

Does Homeschooling have Benefits for Parents?

People who homeschool, and the people who admire them are well aware of the level of sacrifice it takes to homeschool. Parents postpone careers, live with less income, and have to practice the patience of saints to get through it in tact. Meanwhile, few people point out that homeschooling is beneficial to the parents as well. Homeschooling has made me change my perspective on life. Where I was once a person who tested limits and pushed boundaries, I have since become someone who does not accept limits and enjoys breaking the mold. I have given up my group status and … Continue reading

Intentional about Performing Well

The year 2012 is my year to be intentional in all areas of my life. In this blog I am going to address the issue of being intentional about performing well. Performance can be trickier to gauge when you work at home. You don’t have someone providing you objective commentaries on areas you do well in and areas you could improve in. About a year and a half ago I wrote a blog on the benefits of a self-evaluation. A month later I then wrote what I learned from my own self-evaluation. This is one way that you can measure … Continue reading

The Reality of Making Money with Writing

Recently I have been helping my sister venture into the world of writing. Writing was a hobby of mine for about 15 years. Actually, my love for writing really began in high school where I wrote quite a few poems. As I entered my adult years, my writing turned to other forms and now today I make a living as a freelance writer. As my sister began to express interest in this field I had to be honest with her. Writing is typically something you do because you enjoy it. It is generally not a moneymaking opportunity. I likened it … Continue reading

Just When I Thought I Had It All Together

One of the challenges to being a parent and working at home is that you have to adjust your schedule and routine when there are changes in the home. Just when you think you have it all together and things are under control, it all gets shaken up. My writing career was pretty much a part-time job prior to this summer. Then my workload increased for one particular writing job and I had to learn how to adjust my schedule to accommodate having three children at home for the summer while I took on more work. It took a good … Continue reading

Responsible Business Owners Still Experiment

You may think that trial and error are not part of a responsible business person’s game plan. In fact, experimentation is key to problem-solving and finding new and better ways of doing business. If you are sticking to the tried and true methods in your home-based business, you may be missing out on the benefits of experimentation. It is not just the wild risk-takers who experiment in the business world, even rather stodgy and conservative businesses need to try things out, generate new ideas and then give them a test run, develop new products and services and give them a … Continue reading

The True Value of College

When evaluating the decision to enroll in a college institution, whether it is for you or your child, the true value of the education must be considered. What is true value you may ask? It is basically an assessment of the long term value of the education vs. the actual cost of tuition. While certainly the college experience has value all on its own. It is also important to look at it purely from an economic view. Especially as the cost of tuition continues to rise, analyzing the actual value of a degree is an important financial process. Ultimately the … Continue reading

Are You Doing Too Much Whining?

We all need to vent and share our frustrations and “issues.” As home business owners, we may think we have more than our fair share of trials and tribulations. However, as the main representative of our home-based business, it is important to keep the whining and negative attitude in check—especially when dealing with customers, prospects, and vendors. Sometimes whining is hard to catch. We may spend so much time working alone or in isolation that when we make contact with a listening ear, we just need to vent. We may vent about other customers, a negative experience with a vendor … Continue reading