Building a Platform through a Website or Blog

In my last couple of blogs I have been talking about building a platform as a writer. It is the first step toward marketing anything you wish to sell. It is also what can bring in more readers and subscribers. In today’s blog we are going to be looking at how you build a platform through a website or blog. Social media is one of the best ways to do this but next in line is your personal blog or website. Ideally, you should purchase your own domain name. You will have to first check and see if someone already … Continue reading

How I am Building a Business

I recently started a new business. New is not exactly the right term. My business is writing educational unit studies, copywork books, and educational materials. However, the business is not really new. I have written unit studies and sold them in the past. Instead of just randomly selling materials I make here and there, I decided to form it into a business. I only launched this month but I have already seen a profit, have almost 1000 Facebook fans, and making a presence on Pinterest. I am not saying all of this to brag. I have started a few businesses … Continue reading

Building a Platform through Social Media

In my last blog I introduced you to the importance of building a platform as a writer. In today’s world of writing, you just won’t get very far without having one. As a reminder, I said that building a platform is the means in which you promote, market, and sell your work. Without a platform, you likely won’t get a publisher to pick up your book. And even if you decide to self-publish, without a platform no one will buy it. So in this blog we are going to look at how social media helps in building your platform. In … Continue reading

Building a Platform

If you write for a living (or hope to), you need to understand the importance of building a platform. Writing today is much different than it used to be. In fact, you can’t really expect much of a career from it unless you have a platform. So what do I mean by platform? It is the means through which you promote, market, and sell your work. This is what will drive book sales. So if you hope to be taken on by a publisher you should know that without a platform, it likely won’t happen. The bigger and better your … Continue reading

RootsTech 2013 has a New “Developer Day”

RootsTech 2013 will be doing something brand new. They are having a “Developer Day”. It will take place on March 22, 2012. Genealogy and technology have combined in many ways, and RootsTech provides a collaborative environment for both genealogists and the developers of the technology that genealogists use. RootsTech 2013 is going to take place on March 21, March 22, and March 23 of 2013. This time, they are doing something that they have never done before. There will be a “Developer Day” held on March 22, 2012. It will include a series of presentations that will be of interest … Continue reading

Three Strategies For Getting Rid of Writer’s Block

It is eleven o’clock in the evening and something important has gone missing. I have been poking around in the corners of the internet looking for it and not finding it there. I have stared blankly at my computer screen and it is not there either. I am looking for my inspiration – that trusty spark, which, night after night graces me with one or more ideas for my blog posts. Have you seen my inspiration? If so, could you please send it back. You see, it may have wandered off and become lost. Perhaps it is somewhere out there … Continue reading

Transitioning from Work to Home Mode

I was recently thinking about some of the positive aspects to working outside the home. For instance, commuting can be a real source of frustration for many who do it on a daily basis. But I was thinking about how it can also be used as a time of transitioning. That commute can help you move from home mode to work mode and then vice versa when the day is over with. Depending on how long you are commuting and the form of transportation you take, you could spend your time unwinding by listening to music or reading. The point … Continue reading

Using Trials as Learning Tools

As I mentioned the other day, we’ve been slammed by a lot of health issues lately. It almost seems like I could list one for every letter of the alphabet, but that would be too depressing. Instead, I want to think about some of the positive things that have come from it, like the things we’ve learned. As a result of numerous doctor visits, my children now have a better understanding of their bodies and how the various organ systems work. They’ve always been the type to ask questions, and so, ask they have—I feel a little sorry for the … Continue reading

Frugal Furniture Made from Books

I just came across a cool article about tables make from books. I have always wondered about ways to make something out of nothing. I have explored furniture made from pizza and delivery boxes but somehow it never looked sturdy or sanitary. They do serve as good supports for temporary bookshelves though. I’ve looked at furniture made from plastic or wood crates as well too, but it’s just appeal to anyone over 21. (You can use them as the base of a bed though without anyone ever knowing they are under there. Just make a platform out of the plastic … Continue reading

Dad’s Good Intentions Crumble

How far would you go to help your child obtain a dream? Going to summer camp may not be your kid’s dream, but it is for Bryan Freeborn’s 8-year-old daughter. So, when the North Carolina Girl Scout’s father found out that his little girl’s dream could become reality if she sold a ton of Girl Scout cookies, Freeborn put on his thinking cap. His plan: Use the Internet to generate a record number of cookie sales. His downfall: Not adhering to the Girl Scout’s rule banning Internet cookie sales. Unfortunately, for Freeborn and his daughter, Wild (yes, that’s her real … Continue reading