You May Be an Entrepreneurial Role Model

Sure, some people might think you’re crazy to give up the security of a nine-to-five, traditional job–and they may be very vocal in letting you know how they feel about it too. But, there are others who just may be looking to you as a role model–someone who has taken the plunge and started their own home business. I admit that I do feel a bit of this when people are asking me about my work or pumping me for details about how it works. I feel like I have some responsibility to be both honest and encouraging. I am … Continue reading

Accepting Help

Building a home business, caring for a family, and maybe even continuing to work a traditional job as well all take energy and focus—it can really take its toll on a person. In our attempt to prove that we are independent and that we can manage all the pieces of our lives with some degree of skill and care, we may overlook the offers of help that are popping up around us. It can take some practice and shifts in our thinking to learn how to accept help. It may help to be reminded that family businesses are built on … Continue reading

Coping With the Stress of Being a Home-Business Entrepreneur

Stress has been the code-word of the past couple decades. We are constantly warned to “cope with stress” and “not get too stressed out.” With all the joys and freedoms of being an entrepreneur and running one’s own home business–there are definitely some pretty intense and constant stresses that characterize this type of work too. For many of us, coping with the stress of running a business from home and caring for our families, can get challenging and overwhelming. Just the sheer volume of tasks and responsibilities we may have to accomplish when we start a home business can take … Continue reading