Stop Hurting Your Children

Why can’t we all just get along? Words made famous for a different battle but apply just as much to people after a divorce. Divorce is one of the worst things you can go through, for you and your children. Even worse though are the battles that often continue after the divorce is final. Every day I see people who have turned completely against their ex’s and are trying to drag their children with them. How is it fair to a child to talk negatively about their other parent. I’ve heard parents tell their children that their father doesn’t love … Continue reading

Listen To Me, I Know What I’m Talking About

I have a confession, I’ve become a bit of a control freak. Ask anyone about the bad parts of single parenting and they will rattle off the list, finances, dealing with your ex, no down time, never getting a break, doing everything alone, and on and on. This is a list we all know too well but recently I discovered there is a side effect of single parenting that no one told me about- becoming a little controlling. I was wondering why I was always right and other people were doing everything wrong, now I know! I’ve become very set … Continue reading

Just Shy: Dealing with One Dog’s Uncertainty Around Other Dogs

I’m just shy The more I think about my people dog, the more I become concerned. What if I’m just refusing to see the truth, that my dog has developed potentially aggressive behavior? Sure, she’s never actually fought outside of the initial problems she had with the puggle last year, but I couldn’t help being concerned that her dislike, or at least wary disinterest in, other dogs could develop into something worse. Chihiro had her yearly vet visit last Thursday so I explained the situation to the vet and asked her for advice. I know that veterinarians aren’t necessarily specialists … Continue reading

Dealing with a Bully in Kindergarten

I can hardly believe that I have to deal with a bully as early as kindergarten. My daughter comes home and tells me her “best friend” is mean to her just about every single day. Actually, no, not true. I just think the girl is being mean every day, she thinks she is mean only some days. Why do I think she is mean every day? Because the girl shows obvious signs of an abuser. One day, this bully will tell my daughter that her work is not good. For example, she will say, “What is wrong with your coloring? … Continue reading

Dealing With A Difficult Ex

So many people have to deal with a difficult ex spouse. I’m sure none of us are the difficult ex spouse, no matter what he may say! Sometimes for reasons unknown to most rational people, an ex spouse will try to interfere with your new marriage, or manipulate you using your children, or personally attack you. What can you do that will not cause the problem to escalate? Due to the fact that you have children with this person, you need to tread lightly, just as what he does affects the children, how you respond affects them as well. The … Continue reading

Is Worry Creating Needless Drama In Your Life?

Worry certainly sounds like a negative activity, and it is, but when you’re immersed in it, worry feels like the most logical, positive direction. How else can you prevent bad things from happening – or be prepared to deal with them when they do – if you don’t worry about them first? Unfortunately, “bad” things are going to happen regardless of any amount of obsessive thinking you do trying to anticipate, prevent and prepare for them. All worry does is keep you living in a perpetual state of anxiety for no good reason at all, and what kind of a … Continue reading

Giving Yourself Time to Heal

When I was going through my divorce I remember feeling like I had felt every emotion in the book in a matter of days. One minute I would feel relief, the next I was angry, hurt, frustrated, confused, depressed, and then I would start all over again. I was on an emotional rollercoaster that I couldn’t get off of. I’d start to deal with one emotion and then before I knew it I was on to the next even before I had begun to deal with the first. I was so overwhelmed with all of the feelings I was feeling … Continue reading

Do You Interrupt Your Spouse?

“It was 1982, and we had just moved to California,” Joe begins. “We bought a house …” “It was 1983,” Betty interrupts. “It was right after your knee surgery.” “Okay, it was 1983. Anyway, we were going out to dinner at this great steak house …” “Actually, we were eating Italian,” Betty interrupts again. “Remember, that spaghetti was way overcooked.” “So, we’re at dinner, and my friend Bob said—” “We weren’t at dinner with Bob. It was Rex and Sue.” Have you ever heard something like this – one spouse is trying to tell a story, and the other keeps … Continue reading

Insurance Companies Profit When You Postpone Your Health Care

The cost of medical care is expensive, even if you happen to have health insurance. This is especially true if your health insurance requires you to pay off a high deductible before coverage kicks in. A growing number of people are putting off some necessary health care specifically due to the cost. Risking your health like this increases the profits of your insurance company. It seems as though there have been quite a few insurance companies that have increased the amount of money they are charging consumers either for health insurance premiums or as deductibles. Some of the insurance companies … Continue reading

Do You Bundle?

Today, I came across an interesting personal finance website. is a site where you can see how you spend your money in a visual format. On the site, you can track all of the things that you do with money from bank accounts to credit cards and investments. The program categorizes your spending and creates graphs and charts so that you can see your finances in visual form. Also, Bundle tracks the spending habits of many people all over the world. You can see what other people in your local area are spending and what they are spending their … Continue reading