Working Part-Time Offers the Best of Both Worlds

It’s an age-old argument, whether it’s better to be a working mom or a stay-at-home mom. While we may never come to a final agreement, there is another type of mother in the mix that often gets left out of the conflict…it’s the part-time working mother. I read an article from “Medline Plus” that mentioned new research finding that mothers who work part-time do a better job at balancing their careers and nurturing their children. Specifically this study found that mothers who work part-time were more involved in their children’s school, more sensitive with their preschool children and provide more … Continue reading

Setting Up Your Work Space

If you are working from home, you probably already know that you need a dedicated space where you can go to work. Having a home office helps you to keep your work life and home life separate so that you are not thinking about work all day while you are doing other things at home or with your family. A home office also creates a visible cue for your family which can help them to understand and respect the boundary between your work time and your personal time. That said, most of us do not have the space nor do … Continue reading

Reasons To Take Vacations

Have you planned a vacation for yourself for this year? Sometimes, home-based professionals go years without taking a vacation because they feel that they can not afford to take the time or spend the money to do so. As much as you may think that you are getting ahead by opting out of taking one or more vacations each year, you may not be doing yourself any favors. There are a few reasons that vacations are actually important to the success of all professionals, including those of us that work from home. What’s more, you do not need to spend … Continue reading

Home-Based Businesses “On The Side”

While many home-based professionals leave the world of traditional work in favor of a home-based career, not all people who work from home have left their 9 to 5 jobs behind. One person might remain at their job while they start their home-based business, until they grow the business to a point where it can support them as a full time venture. Another person might start a home-based business that they keep small on purpose, so that they can work at both their “regular job” and the home-based business. In the past, having side businesses was something that people were … Continue reading

The Benefits of Having a Work-Day Routine

As I prepared for the birth of my son last November, I was on bed rest and had some time on my hands. I spent a lot of time reading about various parenting strategies and thinking about what I would do with my son, and how I would find work as a stay at home mom. For some reason, I decided that I would be one of those go with the flow type of parents that did not have a rigid daily schedule for feedings, naps, and the like. I thought that doing things that way would be the best … Continue reading

Gearing Up for Your First Home Schooling Year

So, you decided to make the big leap and home school your children? As significant as this decision was, you will be faced with many more as you embark on this journey. Here are some basic advice to guide you through the first questions and decisions you will face. Of course, things are not always this simple, but it’s best to keep our perspective and not get too overwhelmed. Home schooling is a learning experience for the parent as much as the child. What curriculum should I use? This is the question mainly asked by new home schooling parents. What … Continue reading

Is Your House Killing Your Marriage?

Is where you live making life more difficult for your marriage? That’s something that occurred to me and obviously to others too like architect Michelle McSharry.In the article yesterday about Australian Fathers, Michelle McSharry suggested two factors are making life harder for couples. One is the size of homes and gardens which is contributing to a high housework load. It’s an interesting fact of modern society that houses are getting larger while the size of families in them is shrinking. Most houses no longer include grandparents or extended family as they once did. It is usually only the husband, wife … Continue reading

Simplify Your Preschooler’s Schedule This Holiday Season

I love winter – it’s the season of cozy fires, snow, and hiding from holiday engagements. Whether you’re celebrating Christmas or another winter holiday, this season can be overwhelming in the number of opportunities to socialize. The year my daughter was two, we said “enough”! If you’re like me and you’d prefer to hibernate in the warm wool blankets, what can you do? I recognize that the holidays are inherently busy. To plan for this, I don’t enroll my daughter in anything during November and December. She’s in preschool, but that’s it. This affords us some time to do those … Continue reading

How a Positive Attitude Affects Your Relationship

Since October is Positive Attitude Month, I thought it’d be a good time to reflect on our attitudes and how they affect our marriages. Because they definitely have an impact. Mirror Effect In our household we live by the “you get what you give” motto. It’s basically the same principal as the Golden Rule: treat me how you expect me to treat you back. I’m currently reading The Secret in which this principle is emphasized time and again. I first came to know of it, though, in a different manner (what you think upon grows) courtesy of Dr. Wayne Dyer’s … Continue reading

The Perks of Having Higher Order Multiples?

In June the world saw it’s first double sextuplet birth. Two mothers, in two separate states, gave birth to sextuplets on June 11th. The Morrisons, a couple in Minnesota gave birth at 20 weeks via c-section. The Masche’s gave birth at 30 weeks and 4 days (this is a very long pregnancy for sextuplets) also via c-section. (On a side note, can you imagine pushing out 6 babies? Really no one can. . .sextuplets are always delivered via c-section.) Sadly for the Morrisons, five of their six sextuplets died. The remaining sextuplet remains in the hospital in critical condition. To … Continue reading