Characters With Special Needs On Television

Recently, there have been several television shows that include a character who has special needs. Many of these characters are young adults, or teenagers, who are part of an ensemble cast of main characters. Others appear now and again, on a few episodes in a series. This is a big improvement from the “very special episodes” that would sometimes focus on a person with special needs, who would disappear from the series after that episode ended. Glee is an extremely popular television show about a group of teenagers who are in the Glee Club of their high school. These students … Continue reading

Amazing Love Songs: “Elephant Love Medley”

Lately I have been listening to the Moulin Rouge soundtrack over and over and over. (Wayne says I should add a few hundred more “over’s” in there to be truly accurate.) To be super specific, it would be more correct to say I listen to it over and over and over when I’m in the car. (At home I’ve been listening to something else. My infatuation with Pandora’s been replaced by the Dangerous Beauty soundtrack.) I can’t help myself. No, it’s not the newest movie soundtrack release. (Neither of them are.) Moulin Rouge’s soundtrack has been out a few years … Continue reading

Real Live Kids (Not Television Actors)

I have found that friends and acquaintances that do not have kids often have an unrealistic expectation of what life with children is like. My opinion is that they have 1. forgotten what it is like to be a kid themselves and/or 2. been unduly influenced by movie and television children who are extra-cute, extra-brilliant, or extra-obnoxious. Those of us who have taken the parenting road know, however, that real live children are really nothing at all like television characters… Sometimes my kids are cute, sometimes they seem like the most brilliant people on earth, and sometimes they are pretty … Continue reading

Getting Back in the Groove

I have had several people ask me if I have “recovered from the holidays” and if I am “getting back in the work groove”—as many of you home business owners know, there isn’t always a big lull for us. Sure, some of us take advantage of the time flexibility to take time off during the month of December, but some of us don’t. Either way, the New Year tends to bring a time of re-focusing and getting re-energized for another fiscal year. I have been writing about budgeting, planning and getting ready “on paper” for another twelve months of work … Continue reading

Do We Always Have to Be Brilliant and Amazing?

The truth is, I have plenty of days in my home business when I just get by. I know that I have cautioned against complacency and offered advice for ways to get energized and stay motivated, but a person just cannot sustain that high level of energy forever–at least this person can’t. Sure, I have plenty of days where everything comes together and I am really on my “A” game–but there are also those days where I feel neither brilliant, nor amazing, but I know I still need to show up and work… One of the good things about getting … Continue reading

Early Morning Fun

My daughter is close to moving into her own big-kid bed, but for now she is still sleeping in a crib. As such, she calls out “Daddy, I’m awake!” in the A.M. and then, as has been tradition since a very early age, we three snuggle in bed for a good long while (although this can never really last long enough!). It is the best part of the day, without a doubt. We have a couple games we like to play in bed which are fun and help to extend this amazing time we share as a family. The Baby … Continue reading

How to Rediscover Dreams

I love Christmas. I have always loved Christmas. It’s not just the music, the lights, the festivities of it, though I do love them as well. It is not just the tale of the Nativity though who could not be captivated by the tale of the couple making their way slowly on a long and uncomfortable journey with a very pregnant woman who ended up giving birth in a stable because there was no room for them in the Inn. Dreaming Dreaming is an important part of marriage. When we seek to marry, we look for the man or the … Continue reading