Home Makeover Layouts

Not everyone is in a position to purchase a new home right now; however, that shouldn’t stop you from documenting any improvements you make to your current abode. Each year our neighbors spend their tax return on home improvements. Two years ago they refurbished their kitchen, last year they purchases new windows for the entire house and this summer they are giving their master bathroom a facelift. Given her passion for scrapbooking, it’s no surprise that each time my neighbor embarks on a redo the process ends up as the subject of yet another memory album. Personally, I think scrapbooking … Continue reading

Do You Have A Passion For Shoes?

I love shoes. There was a point in time where I had over thirty pairs of shoes, and I actually wore all of them. There were a few pairs of very high heels for when I needed to boost my confidence for business meetings. I had sturdy, comfortable clogs for running around at my job at an inn and restaurant. For warm weather there were platform sandals, flip flops, and other open-toe styles. Of course, winters here are long and cold so there were boots for that. Let’s not forget a couple of pairs of athletic shoes for workouts and … Continue reading

My passion for this cause…

It’s becoming irrational. I wish I could fully express it, I wish I could make you understand, and I wish I could make you feel it too. I mentioned in an earlier post that I remember, from my childhood, wondering why more people didn’t adopt. I remember having the understanding that there were children who desperately needed homes and not understanding why more people didn’t take them in. I remember discussing adoption with my husband. I remember when we realized that we were in a position to do this, that we had reached a point where we felt ready, and … Continue reading

Don’t Let Your Child Become a Bully

Bullying in this country has been out of control for years. For many children it is an everyday occurrence. So who are these bullies and how did they learn to behave this way? Many bullies are just insecure children trying to fit in at school while others are just plain mean with no compassion for others. How do you keep your child from being the kid who other kids fear? Teach Your Child Compassion Children learn by example. If you make fun of people who are different, your child will learn to do the same. Encourage your child to be … Continue reading

You’ve Gotta Have Friends

I learned a lot about support over the weekend. We held our annual walk to raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in hopes of finding a cure for our daughter, Maggie. Our team, Miles for Maggie, showed up ready to go and they had raised over $8,000. It was emotional and heartwarming and I left the walk feeling warm and fuzzy. That’s what a support network of family and friends will do to you. It’s not just about their willingness to raise money, it’s about the effort they put in and the time they give to be there with … Continue reading

The Power of Pink: Are You Raising a Princess?

My young daughter loathes princesses with a passion. While her friends’ rooms are bedecked in pink princess paraphernalia, my preschooler has chosen to decorate her space with a decidedly more daring dinosaur and dog motif. Which is not to say that I didn’t encourage her to embrace all things pink. When friends and family found out that I had given birth to a baby girl, pinky princess products arrived by the boxfuls. Bottles, bibs, blankets, crib sheets, onesies, pillows—-all sporting different shades of pink and baring words, such as “Her Highness,” “I am the Princess,” “Lil’ Princess,” or “It’s Not … Continue reading

Dancing Your Pounds Off

An excellent way to lose weight, tone up and have fun all at the same time is through dancing. Dancing requires so many movements depending on which type of dance you are partaking in. It also takes good balance so make sure that you are steady on your feet. Are you a social butterfly? If you are this very well may be just the thing that you are looking to do for a routine exercise program. Get out on the dance floor and burn it up with your friends. Enjoy yourself and feel good that you are getting your exercise … Continue reading

Family Fitness: Build on What You Know

I couldn’t be more proud of my daughter this year as she’s dived into the world of books with such bursting enthusiasm. She’s literally devouring the books faster than we can get them. Each book is a portal to another time, another place, and whether it’s an adventure or history or compassion, she’s learning a little bit more from each book. So it disturbed me when my husband commented that her reading was great, but he didn’t want her to get fat just sitting around and reading books. Active Kids This is an attitude that a parent shouldn’t have about … Continue reading

Older Child Adoption – Blessing or Nightmare?

When talking to people who have adopted older children, it seems that you almost always hear stories from two opposite ends of the spectrum. There are the families who say that their adoption of an older child is nothing but a nightmare, that it ruined their family and that their child will never function normally in a family setting. Then you talk to the those on the other side who say that their adoption of an older child has been a breeze. Everything went smoothly, they’ve had no problems, the child is a joy. Is it possible that both experiences … Continue reading

Sometimes, You Need to Hear from Someone who has Been There

As much as I like a lot of diversity in my life and I generally feel most comfortable when I am surrounded by people with different ideas, values, and opinions, there are times when I really just need advice and conversation with someone who has been there. All the compassion and sympathy in the world just cannot make up for someone who has actually walked in my shoes. I do not rule out that those who have not lived through the same thing or things that I have can be helpful, but I think that we all occasionally feel like … Continue reading