Is Your Message Messy?

We have talked before about the importance of creating a solid mission statement and a business message. Many people think that mission statements are for nonprofit organizations or charities, but a having a guiding mission statement is important for businesses of all sizes. Once your mission is in place, you can decide what your slogan or message is that you want to put out there into the world. One of the areas where small, start-up businesses run into trouble is that their message is not clear—it is convoluted and confusing and downright messy—customers have a hard time figuring out what … Continue reading

Think Before You Pitch

Some of us are pretty good at thinking and improvising on our feet—and that is a good thing. But, for others of us, flying by the seat of our pants is NOT where we do our best work. Regardless of whether you can improvise or need to practice—it is a good idea to put some thought into your sales message before you pitch to customers and clients. What’s your pitch going to be? For novices, a “pitch” is what you will say in order to make a sale or get a contract from a prospective customer or client. You are … Continue reading

Do You Need a “Bio?”

What do you want people to know about you and your work? A resume’ or C.V. might not be enough, or it might not be suitable and appropriate all of the time. It might be work your while to take some time to write up a “bio” or biographical paragraph or two about yourself and your business that can be used in publicity, press releases, publications and other promotional materials. Why would you even need a “bio”? Well, a bio lets people (clients, customers, prospective customers, media, etc.) know who you are, your background, your philosophies, etc. It helps you … Continue reading

Every Business Has a “Voice”

You have no doubt heard the term before “finding your voice”—it is often used to describe writers, performers, actors, and other artists who need to evolve into an individual with a unique approach and a unique “voice” for sharing their art form. But, this terminology works very well for understanding the evolution of a business as well. Each business has to find its own unique approach, connect with the market in a special way, and define itself in a special way that will set it apart from the competitors. While you may have ambivalent feelings about your home business—it might … Continue reading

Choosing the Right Words to Use in Your Marketing

Ever notice how advertisements and marketing campaigns seem to use words that are targeted to making you want to make purchases? Words like “sale” and “easy” and “best” are all common words that show up in advertising again and again. Have you given much thought to the words you are using as you work to promote your own home business? Your advertising or marketing should influence people to want to use your products or services. In order to do that, you are trying to let them know that your products are great, your services are great, and that they can … Continue reading

Brand New to Advertising?

If you have never had any reason to understand advertising and marketing before—and now with your home business, you need to be able to make some decisions about how to promote your business—getting started can be overwhelming. How do you know where to turn and what sort of advertising is best suited for your business and market? First of all, keep in mind that there are several different types of advertising and they have the ability to reach different markets: print, web, public (bus signs and billboards), television, radio, events and conferences, and direct mail. Within these overarching categories, there … Continue reading

What’s in a Name? Or a Title?

The fact is, people respond to business names and job titles. Even when we try to get away from these sorts of labels, one of the first questions we tend to ask people whom we are meeting for the first time is “What do you do?” A business’ name or a person’s title helps us to organize and categorize things in our minds. And, for your customers–your business name or title will help them either remember you or make it challenging for them to get a handle on exactly what your business is all about. When you are starting or … Continue reading

Don’t just sit there…stand there. A simple tip for events & expos.

When I joined as a direct sales consultant for a line of skincare products a few years ago, I became a “fair-junky”. I literally felt high when I watched hundreds of event-goers check out my products and booth. Speaking of my booth, I would often spend hours picking out perfect fonts for my sales fliers and adorning my skin-care bottles with raffia and decorative baskets. It was adorable. You could easily mistake my booth for a miniature high-end spa. Despite my efforts, I spent far more on the booth fee (and decorative accessories) than I’d earned in sales. I’d convinced … Continue reading

Do You Have an “Elevator Marketing Pitch?”

In my years spent working in fundraising and marketing for nonprofit organizations–both as employee and as a consultant–I encouraged those who worked with these organizations, whether they were employees or volunteers, to develop a speech or a way of explaining what the organization did in the time it took to take an elevator ride. Often we get started and we can talk and talk about our businesses and what we do–but we don’t always have that kind of time to make a first and lasting impression. We need something strong, brief, and inspirational that we can share with confidence and … Continue reading