Be a Better Parent in the New Year

What’s your New Years Resolution? Many people choose something related to weight loss, or money, or productivity. This year, why not pick a resolution that will be much more meaningful? Resolve to take steps to be a better parent in the new year. Parenting can be as rewarding as it is difficult. It is easy to see why parents often make mistakes. Everyone does it – nobody is perfect! Ideally, people learn from those mistakes so they do not repeat them. What I’m trying to say is that parenting is a skill that can always be improved upon. It is … Continue reading

Can Your Homeschool Blog Earn Money? {Part 3}

In, Can Your Homeschool Blog Earn Money?, Part 1 and Part 2, I discussed the background information you need before starting a blog that has the potential of earning you a profit.  If you missed those two posts, please take time to read them as blogs without a proper foundation do not earn profits. Not all profits can strictly financial but we all want to know now to earn cold hard cash.  There is no easy answer but there are avenues you can take to drive your blog to the bank. Here are some of the most popular ways to … Continue reading

Does a Messy Home Mean Happier Kids?

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about having a more peaceful home. Not too long ago I wrote about how I am trying to NOT yell at my kids in the article, The Voice of Domestic Peace. Part of working on that goal is working on eliminating stress from my life. There is a direct correlation between stress in my life, and how often I raise my voice at my kids. I want it to stop. Unfortunately, like the rest of the world, there are a lot of things that cause me stress. It is in my genetics to have … Continue reading

Does Money Make You a Better Parent?

When you become a single parent you quickly learn that there is never enough money. Your kids learn this lesson too, much earlier than you want them too. It’s hard for your kids not to have the things everyone else has, it’s also hard when you are the one who always has to tell them no. Many studies that are done on single parents focus on income as a reason children from single parent households struggle. This may be true, but not having everything handed to you and learning the value of hard work gives our children life skills they … Continue reading

Money Really Doesn’t Grown on Trees

One of the hardest things about being a single mom is having to say no so much. When you get divorced you learn quickly that if you don’t stand your ground the kids will walk all over you. Even if you’ve been the softie in the past you learn to stand up and say no. The kids don’t like it, and at first it may seem to make things worse, but once they learn you mean it, life just gets better. It’s always made me sad to have to tell Hailey no about things she wants that I just can’t … Continue reading

Mean Moms

It’s hard to believe that we are raising our kids in a era where mom’s can be meaner than the kids! You know the mom I’m talking about, the one who is always bragging about how much better her kid is at everything than anyone else. She’s super competitive and has to make sure that she and her child are always the center of attention. She can also be really pushy, rushing in to organize everything and then excluding your child when you don’t appreciate how much she does for everyone. Those bully moms will gossip about you on the … Continue reading

Is Safe Always Better?

A few years ago my 9-year-old cousin fell out of a tree and broke his arm. Turns out the reason he was climbing the tree was because my aunt felt it was too dangerous for him to bike over to a local park to meet up with a bunch of his buddies. Rather, she felt it would be safer for him to play in their backyard where she could keep an eye on him. About 45 minutes after she made the call to have him stay home she was dialing 911. Irony. Oh, what a bitter pill to swallow… especially … Continue reading

I’m Always Coming Back

Mommy’s Christmas Break is coming to a close. Monday it’s back to school and back to daycare. My heart sinks every time I think about it. I’m usually really excited to get back to school, but this time the thought makes me want to break down and cry. I’ve gone to school from the time Logan was born. It’s all he’s ever known. But now that I am officially into my major I have a lot less flexibility with my schedule. This means that he is going to be spending a lot more time in daycare. The lady that does … Continue reading

Your Challenging Teen May Be Able to Better Resist Peer Pressure

If I can find the light at the end of any dark tunnel in raising teenagers, I will gladly look for it. Because I truly do believe that even the most challenging moments can bring about some good. So imagine my surprise and delight when I recently read that a new study finds teenagers who challenge their parents are more likely to stand up under peer pressure. There are usually two kinds of homes. In one type of home, teens can never question anything their parents say. They must simply do as they were told. In the other type of … Continue reading

Why Multi-Tasking While Writing Doesn’t Work

I am a multi-tasker. I can rarely focus on just one thing. In fact, I sometimes come up with strange ways to accomplish things. For instance, on a cleaning day I might read one chapter of a book, clean a room, read another chapter and then clean another room. Others might choose to do all their cleaning at one time and then sit down to read a book. Not me, I have to always be switching back and forth between things. So this has carried into my work as a writer and let me tell you, I am finding more … Continue reading