Shout It From The Rooftop

When I first started working from home, I was a little sheepish when it came to telling other people what I did for work. Part of that may come from being a full time stay at home mom, because I know that there are many women out there who would like to stay home with their children but are for whatever reason unable to do so. I was a little shy about mentioning that because I don’t want anyone to get the idea that I’m some wealthy, spoiled princess who does not have to work for a living. While it … Continue reading

Three Generation Families do Better Financially… at what cost?

Findings from the November 2009 Journal of Families issues states that three generation households are better than two generation homes headed by a single parent. The reasoning behind this is that having the grandparents and parents share the financial burden of the home will keep children out of poverty. “Using data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation from 2001, the researchers found that the presence of just one grandparent makes the odds of living below the poverty line 80% lower than for children living without a grandparent, and children living with two grandparents are at an even greater … Continue reading

Dealing with the In-Laws

When there is an issue with the extended family, how you you deal with it without causing harm to or conflict within your marriage? The in-laws are and important part of your spouse’s life, which automatically makes them an important part of your life. While it isn’t always easy to have complete family harmony, it is crucial to understand the needs of the extended family and work though conflict. Work together When an issue comes up with the in-laws, you should first solve it with your spouse. Discuss the issue together and avoid accusatory statements, such as “Your mother always…” … Continue reading

Should You Have Your Children Work in Your Home Business?

Part of our American history involves the ideal mythology of the family-owned-and-operated business–the entire family, pulling together to build a business and support the family, children growing up learning the value of work and involvement. But, in this day and age, should we have our children work with us in our home businesses? The pros of having our kids work in our home businesses is that they do learn some of what the work world is about, as well as the value and realities of running a small business. They can also feel involved and participate in something that has … Continue reading

What Do Our Businesses Teach Our Kids About Work?

I like to think that my home business is modeling some really great things for my kids. Of course, they often wish that I had a “real” job or something that looked more like many of their friends. But, they’ve also grown so used to my flexibility and availability that they take my presence for granted. If I worked a hard-driving 60-hour a week job, they might not have absorbed the same sorts of things about work that they have from being around my home-based business. I’m hoping that my children are learning work ethic and the realities of how … Continue reading

Should You Get a Babysitter While You Work at Your Home Business?

We often assume here on our Home Business blog that WAHMs (Work-at-home Moms) are always taking care of their children while they are also working on their businesses, but some parents who work from home (moms and dads alike) find that they need to hire a babysitter or take their children to day care–at least part of the time–in order to make their home businesses successful. When my children were younger, I admit that I did use day care when I was working from home or doing consulting work on a fairly regular basis. While I could get some work … Continue reading

Does My Work-at-Home Business Spoil My Children?

Today is Saturday. The day where most of people take a break. Not me. Today is my busiest day. I write articles, ship Ebay items, place orders and market my websites. I have two preschoolers so during the rest of the week I work while they are sleeping at night or napping. (Perhaps you’ve wondered about my night-owl posts). I give my kids six days of “mommy-time” and therefore I am not afraid to admit that I feed my kids cold cereal and prop them in front of the television on Saturday mornings. As I was packaging some Ebay products … Continue reading