Making Excuses and How Excuses keep us from being our Best

Excuses are one of those traps that it can be easy to fall into. After all, we want to do the “right” thing and make things happen, but it just is not always possible. Things come up. We feel guilty or pressured or stressed and the next thing we know, it feels as though we need to justify why we did not get something done or did not do what was expected of us. Whether we are making excuses to cover up or we are making excuses to ourselves, it keeps us from facing reality and having a healthy attitude … Continue reading

Authenticity for Your Home Business

Keeping things authentic for your home-based business is a more “official” way of saying that you are keeping things real–authenticity means that you are trustworthy, reliable and operating in a genuine and above-board way. Nothing inspires customer loyalty like knowing that you are genuine and authentic (and that your products or services are genuine and authentic too). Authenticity is one of those positives that , when incorporated into your business efforts, can pay off in terms of customer trust and loyalty. There is a reason words and phrases like “all natural,” “genuine” and “completely real” are used so often in … Continue reading

You Are the Money–Taking Charge of Your Business Income

Many of us are drawn to entrepreneurialism and running our own home businesses because we want autonomy; we want to be in charge of our own destiny and our own income. After a while, the reality of all the things we cannot control may get to us and we may forget that we really are in charge of our own business revenue… In a traditional job, we go to work for someone else and we agree to do x, y, and z tasks in return for a certain amount of money. But, I am of the opinion that even in … Continue reading

Doing Business Without Making Excuses

Years ago, someone told me that there is a difference between the realities of a situation and excuses–excuses are things we “make up” our selves to justify why we are or are not doing something, while the realities of a situation are just that–realities–facts and logistics that exist that we really do have to cope with. In our home businesses there will be plenty of circumstances and situations that we have to manage and wrestle with, but making excuses can hurt our businesses… Sure, plenty of things are going to happen while we are doing business that are beyond our … Continue reading

“Not Available In Any Store”

Have you ever heard “not available in any store” as a marketing ploy? Chances are you have been watching television or listening to the radio and were urged to place an order for something that you were told could not be purchased anywhere else. While it may seem a little hokey, this can actually be a marketing approach for your home business efforts too… Unless you are a distributor and you really do place your products in stores, your products and services are probably available exclusively through you. This can be an interesting angle to take with your marketing since … Continue reading

Spend Money on Development

As small home-based business owners, most of us are used to operating on a shoe-string budget. After all, we are in business to make money (among other things) and we do want to make a profit–part of making a profit in a small operation means keeping expenses under control. Still, we do have to spend some money on research and development if we are going to keep moving our business in the direction of growth. I know that most of us are not huge corporations with a nice, fat, separate budget line item for marketing and one for research and … Continue reading

It’s Okay to Say: “I Don’t Have Time to Do That Today”

We want to keep our customers happy—we want to provide great customer service and make sure that we have endeared ourselves to the customers and clients who make up our business market. However, we can only do so much and there are those days when as much as we want to be able to jump to our customer’s needs, we just don’t have the time. Instead of making promises we cannot keep, it is okay to let people know that we won’t be able to get to their request as soon as we both would like… I have learned over … Continue reading

Being Reliable Still Works

I know that the word “reliable” seems to have fallen out of favor in the modern business world. Once a mainstay in promotion and marketing campaigns, reliability used to be one of those concepts that businesses wanted to convey. They wanted customers to know that the business could be counted on to provide reliable products and reliable services. You can still use reliability to promote your home-based business and it should be met with a fairly favorable response. Reliability, of course, means that something or someone can be counted on to work regularly and work well. You can provide reliable … Continue reading