18 Zoos and Aquariums Worthy of Your Donations

Rounding out the categories for animal-centered organizations worthy of your donations is zoos and aquariums. (Previously the top 79 animal rights, welfare, and service organizations and the top 24 wildlife conservation organizations were listed.) “Top” standings were derived by using ratings generated by Charity Navigator. Any zoo or aquarium that they gave four stars (their highest rating) to meant it passed mustard and made the list. The zoos and aquariums are listed in alphabetical order and are linked to their websites. In cases where the information was readily available, each zoos number of animals and acres is also listed. 1. … Continue reading

24 Wildlife Conservation Organizations Worthy of Your Donations

The other day I listed 79 animal rights, welfare, and service organizations worthy of your donations based on ratings generated by Charity Navigator and the American Institute of Philanthropy. These were organizations that scored either four stars from Charity Navigator (their highest rating) or “A”s from the American Institute of Philanthropy. Using the same methodology, the list below represents the top rated wildlife conservation organizations that you can feel confident are utilizing your donation dollars in the most efficient and effective manner possible. Again, charities are listed in alphabetical order and are linked to their websites, if applicable. 1. African … Continue reading

79 Animal Rights, Welfare, and Service Organizations Worthy of Your Donations

Using ratings generated by Charity Navigator and the American Institute of Philanthropy, I’ve compiled a list of the top-rated animal rights, welfare, and service-related charities. These are ones that scored either four stars from Charity Navigator (their highest rating) or As from the American Institute of Philanthropy. Charity Navigator and the American Institute of Philanthropy evaluate “the financial health” of non-profit organizations to determine which ones are using their money most effectively. What this means to you is that you can rest assured your donation dollars are being well utilized for the cause they were intended. Charities are listed in … Continue reading

Create Your Own Event

I wrote about how to use other charity events and auctions as a means to promote your own business—but what about creating your own signature community or sales event. Events are a fabulous way to promote even the smallest of businesses. Additionally, you can involve other “companion” businesses and create something spectacular that draws in tons of prospective customers! The things to consider when you want to create your own event are: where will you hold the event? What time of year or season is best for your business and works with what else is going on in your community? … Continue reading

Auctioning Off Your Products or Services

I wrote about how you can promote your business by donating to charity events, but I thought I should expand on HOW to get your products or services in an auction—and what you can do to make it a successful way to market your business… You may be surprised at how many opportunities there are to auction off your products or services and this can be an excellent way to get them into the hands of prospective customers or clients. Also, you do not have to donate a product or service in order to have it in an auction—while this … Continue reading

Give Credit or Acknowledgement Where it is Due

As small home business owners, we can get pretty used to managing things on our own—we get used to making all the decisions, coming up with the marketing, deciding on the trajectory of our businesses, and all sorts of other business decisions. We can get so used to doing things solo, in fact, that we can forget that we really do get ideas and help and information from other sources. It is important to make sure that we acknowledge those sources and individuals when appropriate. For example, if you have a friend take digital photos of your products so that … Continue reading

Are You an Inspiration?

We are not all interested in being role models or mentors–I know that for a fact. But, you might be surprised to find that you and your small, inconspicuous home-based business are, in fact, an inspiration. Does this mean you have to behave differently just because you are influencing others? I am not someone who puts much thought into being a positive role model for anyone and I tend to think of myself as a young, bumbling kid–not someone who could ever be in a position to serve as a mentor to anyone else. So, I am surprised when someone … Continue reading

“Self Promotion” is NOT a Dirty Word

I admit that when I hear the phrase “self promotion,” my immediate reaction is to think of some know-it-all who barks nonstop about his or her business and all the things he or she does and knows. Now that I have admitted that is MY first reaction, I will also say that as a small business owner, I know very well that self promotion is important and that it doesn’t have to be sleazy or annoying. Self promotion is NOT an undesirable part of business—in fact, it is imperative… Self promotion or promoting yourself and your business does not have … Continue reading

Donating Products and Services to Charity Events

Looking for ways to market and promote your business and do good in your community? Donating products and services from your business is one way that small businesses can have an impact, all the while getting the word out and creating good will around their business efforts. Consider the benefits of donating products and services to charity events… Chances are, your community has plenty of fundraising events and charity auctions and you may already get personal solicitations inviting you to attend or contribute. The silent auction has become the mainstay of many nonprofit organization’s fundraising events and those auction committees … Continue reading

Should You Tithe or Give From Your Home Business?

Charity, tithing and giving to the community may be a value that you hold dear (or at least subscribe to) in your family life, but have you considered whether or not you should also be making charitable donations from your home business? Giving from and through your business can actually serve several purposes. Some business owners find that donating to community projects and charitable causes from their business not only provides them with a means to support good causes and work, but it also helps promote the business. Many large corporations use portions of the marketing budgets to sponsor charitable … Continue reading