Knowing When to Quit

I’m not a quitter. Once I make up my mind to do something, I’m in it 100%. That’s usually a good thing, but not all the time—I’ve had the experience of staying with things long after they ceased to be the right thing for me to do, and got hurt. When it comes to money and our endeavors to make it, keep it, and invest it, we need to know when to quit. Think about the following. 1. Quitting your job. In today’s economy, it can be wise to hang on to the jobs we have because we don’t know … Continue reading

How to Ease Your Fear of Failure When Starting a Business

Owning your own business can certainly give you a boost of confidence from time to time. It is likely to be among the accomplishments of which you are most proud. Owning your own business can also bring with it its fair share of anxiety. While it is normal to experience anxiety as part of owning your own business, it is also possible to overcome it. One common anxiety among those that are just starting out with their home-based businesses is the fear of failure. Many new businesses fail, and home-based businesses are no exception. Sometimes the realization that you are … Continue reading

Is Your Job Making You Sick?

Each home – based professional has his or her own reasons why working from home is right for them. Today, I am going to look at how working at home can help people that have one specific reason that they need to leave their office job as soon as possible. While many people may say that they are sick of their job, there are other people that suffer from actual physical or mental illness as a result of their job. Some people are very sensitive to pollutants and toxins in the environment. It does not take much to make them … Continue reading

Reflections on a Weekend

From Left to Right: Beth Terrell, Chester Campbell, J.B. Thompson, me, Bente Gallagher How was your weekend? Did you and your spouse do anything interesting? Was it the same old routine? Or did you spend a nice, simple weekend together? Wayne and I had sort of had a combo weekend. One the one hand it was sort of just nice and simple. But there was some excitement too. Southern Festival of Books This past weekend was the Southern Festival of Books, which is put on by Humanities Tennessee. It draws over 200 authors from around the U.S. who participate in … Continue reading

Freezer Cooking: Sharing With a Friend

Freezer cooking is a big job if you plan to do several weeks at a time. In fact, it can dominate a major part of a day, and can even sometimes require a second day. While I don’t mind, some other’s get lonely, they get stressed and frustrated and honestly, it’s the light at the end of the tunnel (the several weeks worth of frozen meals) that get them through the whole process. It does not have to be that bad. In fact, a freezer cooking session can be quite enjoyable. Especially if you invite a friend along! Invite a … Continue reading

Don’t just sit there…stand there. A simple tip for events & expos.

When I joined as a direct sales consultant for a line of skincare products a few years ago, I became a “fair-junky”. I literally felt high when I watched hundreds of event-goers check out my products and booth. Speaking of my booth, I would often spend hours picking out perfect fonts for my sales fliers and adorning my skin-care bottles with raffia and decorative baskets. It was adorable. You could easily mistake my booth for a miniature high-end spa. Despite my efforts, I spent far more on the booth fee (and decorative accessories) than I’d earned in sales. I’d convinced … Continue reading