Figuring Out What Absolutely HAS to Happen

I am not one to get easily overwhelmed…usually. But there are those days when life just seems to throw all sorts of curveballs and I can’t help but ask myself why I’m trying to build this darn home business anyway?! Prioritizing sounds like a very organized and professional sort of process. There are some days where “prioritizing” is actually way beyond the realm of what I can accomplish, or even wrap my head around. On those days, it’s really about figuring out what absolutely HAS to happen, and letting everything else go to another day. Since I work in a … Continue reading

This is Girls on Adolescence

After being on his feet for the last three hours, all Gordon wanted to do was find a nice, quiet bench and sit down. Of course, that wasn’t an option. Under other circumstances, this simple request would seem logical, but they were on vacation, and Peggy had made it abundantly clear they were going to take full advantage of every second. But it was the Smithsonian, for heaven’s sake! You could literally walk around for days and not see all of it. That hadn’t deterred Peggy in the least, nor did it appear to deter Rachel, who was going strong, … Continue reading

Getting Things off Your Plate

Working in a more traditional job with coworkers, departments, and “teams” means that a person can delegate. We get to pass things off onto someone else or shift it to another department. Working for ourselves in our home businesses usually means that we are chief cook and bottle washer and there is not anyone we can really delegate to. This can result in our getting overwhelmed, overextended and having far too much on our plate. Even if we are a one-person show, we do need to find ways to shift some things off of that plate so we can focus … Continue reading