Finding Hostesses

When a new consultant starts, one of their first fears is “Nobody will host! Who can I find?” Now every person is in a different situation, so you need to look at where you are at, and how many people you know. 1.) Grand Opening. This is one option. Invite everyone you know. For some people who love to have parties and are used to good turn outs, this is a great option to introduce your products. For those who are afraid of being forward, unless you are willing to pick up the phone and call everyone, it will probably … Continue reading

Planning Your Scrapbooking Crop (2)

Now that we have begun our discussion on planning your scrapbooking crop and we have discussed the food and beverage, as well as the invitations, there are still a few other things we need to look at in hosting a scrapbooking crop. There are so many different ways to host one, you will need to decide if you want it to just be basic and simple, or if you want to follow a theme and decorate and have contests and more. In the meantime, let’s take a look at two other areas of concern. Supplies and Tools Most crop hostesses … Continue reading

Planning Your Scrapbook Crop (1)

We started out talking about setting up your scrapbooking crop, because making sure you have the space to hold it is one of the most important steps. If there isn’t enough workspace scrapbookers will have a difficult time getting work done. Now it is time to talk about planning for the crop. Each of these categories are areas you must think about when you are planning your crop. Hosting a scrapbooking crop can get expensive, so you also have to think about the cost involved, and if you can cut costs anywhere. Some hostesses charge a $10.00 fee which goes … Continue reading

Direct Sales – The Ups..the Downs…the Ups..and the Downs

I have been a sales leader in the direct selling industry for five years now with two widely popular companies. While the products and businesses I represented were dramatically different, one aspect of the business never changed. Direct sales is a business of ups, downs, ups…and downs. If you are unfamiliar with the direct sales industry (specifically party plan businesses) let me share one of my typical weeks with you. Monday = A new prospect called from the weekend expo. She sent in her contract to join. Woo Hoo. Tuesday = My party hostess canceled tonight at the last minute. … Continue reading

Direct Sales – Funny Excuses for Cancelling a Party

If you’ve never been involved in a Party Plan business, you may not be able to relate to the “kiss of death” feeling direct sellers often get when they make their final hostess coaching call only to hear….”errrr…ummmm…”….followed by an excuse for canceling the pre-planned show. Usually the cancellations are legitimate – a child is sick or a family emergency, but the best excuses are often concocted on the spot. Sometimes it’s hard to find humor in a canceled show. We planned ahead, we hired a sitter, we may have even canceled a family event to hold the show. It … Continue reading