Home Based Businesses Can Have a Global Reach

While the work that I do at home is currently all for clients within the United States of America, I have been realizing more and more that working from home brings with it the ability to participate in whichever marketplace you would like to participate in. Some people wish to work strictly with local clients in their immediate geographic area. Others like myself may wish to expand their reach and serve clients that are interested in their services, wherever those clients may be located. It is entirely up to you how you design your business and position yourself in the … Continue reading

Simple Strategies for Staying Organized

Some people are born organizers. They seem to have everything together, all of the time. Other people are not at all organized, and often spend more time looking for things or trying to remember what they were doing instead of actually getting anything done. Most people fall somewhere in the middle. They have it together much of the time but sometimes they have incidents where they misplace something or go off on a tangent and spend time doing things that are not all that important. In order to succeed in working from home, it is important that you be at … Continue reading