Don’t Quit, Freelance!

Whether you want to quit work to be home with the kids or if you are looking forward to retirement, a great option instead of being unemployed is to freelance. By freelancing your current skills, you can make some money on the side and still have many of the same freedoms found when not working. Freelancers in almost every field are becoming more common. Working at home is easier than ever with new technology and many smaller organizations are eager to hire a temporary worker to take on an extra project. From the employee standpoint, freelancing gives you the ability … Continue reading

Freelance Writing: Outline of a Query Letter

Create a professional query letter by including relevant information, ways in which you can be contacted, and keeping it less than one page in length. Use the following or a similar outline. Use the Appropriate Salutation Locate the editor’s name and always address your letter to the editor. There may be different editors for different topics, so be sure you’re writing to the appropriate one. Example: Dear Ms. Smith, If you cannot ascertain the person’s gender by the name alone, look for clues in the guidelines. If the editor’s name is Pat Smith, and there is no indication if Pat … Continue reading

Oh! Outlining!

For years (years!) teachers have been telling me to outline things. They’ve been telling me to plan ahead. They’ve been telling me to break things down into smaller pieces. They’ve been telling me to spend lots of time on the outline and, consequently, writing the paper itself will be easier. For years I’ve heard this. I heard it in grade school, I heard it in high school, I heard it in college, and I even heard in graduate school (even my creative writing courses). For years I’ve been told to do this thing and I’d always tried (I really did), … Continue reading