Spelling Matters for Parents Too

As focused as many of us parents are on our children’s education, we can sometimes be slackers with our own. Just because we have managed to get through high school or even college does not mean that the learning and improvements stop. How can we set an example for our children if we just throw up our arms and say “I’m a bad speller” or “I can’t do math”? We can still work on improving our skills and encouraging our children while we do so. I am not a naturally great speller. Fortunately, I do a lot of reading and … Continue reading

Geography Still Matters

I know that the world wide web has changed the way we socialize and do business. It is so much easier to make contact with people all over the world and this reality can lead us to believe that geography is no longer a factor in our business networking, marketing and other relations. But, I believe that geography is still a consideration we need to contend with when it comes to our home businesses. People still talk to people, and we still make face-to-face friends and have face-to-face conversations. We still throw and go to parties and we still strike … Continue reading

A Few of My Favorite Things: Geography

Geography is one area where we hit the ground running. When I taught 5th grade, NO ONE in my class knew that Canada was the country that bordered North of the United States and Mexico bordered south of the United States. Not a single student. Furthermore, when we went to study current events several of my students identified the “middle east” as places like Ohio–you know, kind of in the middle, but eastern part of the United States. A good knowledge of geography is essential to understanding politics, government and current events. With that said, here is a list of … Continue reading

Networking over the Internet

Many of us think of networking as something we do by going somewhere—a party or a professional meeting. In this day and age, we can actually network to promote and build our home businesses without ever leaving our homes. Networking with others via the Internet is becoming an increasingly popular and effective way to broaden and build businesses. With all of the social networking sites as well as sites like Twitter available to anyone and everyone, it makes sense for even a small business owner to learn how to network over the internet. While networking over the Internet can have … Continue reading

Offering Rewards for Referrals

Ask many business owners and marketing professionals where new customers and prospects come from, and they just might answer from “referrals”—but getting referrals from existing customers may sound like simple tactic, the actuality can be quite different. So, what can you do to generate referrals and encourage your customers to spread the word? Some businesses turn to creating some sort of reward system to reward customers and clients who make referrals. Surely you’ve heard things like “Be sure to tell them I sent you!” or “$5 off if you send a friend.” Businesses use coupons, discounts, and rewards to encourage … Continue reading