Can You Get By With Less Financial Support?

What would you do if you got a letter from your state government that asked if you would willingly accept a reduction in the financial support for your child? This is exactly what happened to parents who had adopted children with special needs in Vancouver, Washington. Adoption does not happen instantaneously. It is a long process, and it requires a lot of strength and patience. Prospective parents will need to show that they are ready to be a good parent, both emotionally and financially. Parents who choose to adopt a child who has special needs must be ready for the … Continue reading

Does Your Toddler Test Your Patience?

Today was a particularly trying day for me. It seemed as if each time I asked Dylan not to do something, he look right at me and did it anyways. Also, he had a couple of tantrums over things that I could do nothing about. For example, he wanted to play with Play Doh and I could not find any in the house. For about forty five minutes he let me know how upset he was that I did not have the Play Doh that he needed. The whole day seemed to flow from one limit testing scenario to another … Continue reading

Patience In All Things

Perhaps this might be a blog post for our pregnancy blog, but I feel it is appropriate here too. I am very pregnant awaiting our third child. This has been a difficult pregnancy for me. I was extremely sick in the first trimester, more so than with my other two pregnancies. And, I’ve been extremely swollen this time around. In the past, I delivered a few days earlier than my due date, and this time around, I had my heart set on that. Well, here it is, 2 days away from my due date and no baby yet. With one … Continue reading

What to Consider When Getting a Potbelly Pig

Over a year ago I looked at the teacup pig as a rare pet. But what if you want to adopt a potbellied pig as a pet? What do you need to know before bringing one into your home? First: check your zoning laws. For some reason potbelly pigs are sometimes not allowed in certain areas, so be absolutely sure that your local zoning laws allow you to keep a potbellied pig as a pet. Potbellies live for 10-15 years, so be sure you can make that commitment. Be careful from whom you buy or adopt your pig. You want … Continue reading

Home Decor Shopping on a Budget

Being a new home owner of less than a year, I have done quite a bit of shopping for our home. When I moved in my husband had a few items, and I l luckily had inherited a lot of furniture from my grandmother. I inherited some essentials such as a kitchen table, a buffet (perfect for our TV, DVD player, etc), and a leather chair. My husband had a couch and I had a bed and some bookcases. To fill in the gaps there were several other items that we needed. To name a few, we needed more lamps, … Continue reading

What to Consider When Getting a Rabbit

Every Easter a recurring pet fad rears its floppy ears: the rabbit. Previous pet blogger Aimee Amodio covered many details one needs to consider when getting a rabbit. Today’s blog is instead for those just curious as to whether or not their lifestyles can fit a pet rabbit at this time. I’ll cover the basics of what rabbit care will entail. As always, the first idea to consider is for whom is the rabbit intended? Rabbits live for 5-10 years, depending on their breed and their indoor/outdoor situation. Make sure the rabbit’s intended caretaker can commit to that length of … Continue reading

What Happened to My Patience?

I am so frustrated tonight. It has been about eight months since we started trying to get pregnant with our second child and I received definite confirmation this morning that we were unsuccessful yet again. Isn’t it so hard to wait for pregnancy? I was so fortunate with my first in that it only took us two months. I have some friends who tried for years to get pregnant. What I have learned though, that it is hard to wait when you’ve been trying for two months or twenty four. When you decide you want to have a baby (or … Continue reading

Patience at Christmas

One quality needed in any marriage is patience. Especially at this time of year patience is a necessary ingredient when instead of showing love, many people seem to be impatiently pushing past others and not wanting to take time to talk because they are so busy. On Friday afternoon Mick and I decorated our Christmas tree. We put the wreath on the front door, the nativity scene in the window, a Christmas tableaus sitting on the coffee table and a few scattered baskets of tinsel and pine cones, but hadn’t done anything about lights. Come Saturday Mick and I decided … Continue reading

Exerting Patience

Patience is a commodity that is not often talked about these days. It is one that is necessary in marriage. That patience is that we need when marriage hits a rough spot as all marriages, no matter how good they are, do at times. We need patience when things are not going the way we would like or our spouse is not behaving as we would like or we are not able to do the things we want to do whether because of finances, family issues, illness or whatever it might be. This has been brought home to me again … Continue reading

Overcoming Writer’s Block

If creative writing comprises part or all of your home based business, you have probably run into at least one situation where you’ve sat down to write and… nothing. You have writer’s block. The last time that I experienced writer’s block was last night. I had experienced it before and had not given it much thought. For me, writer’s block seems to be a nuisance that prevents me from getting my work done one day, and is gone the next. Last night was no different. I sat and stared at my computer for an hour or so and could not … Continue reading