How Much Work Will You Really Do On Vacation?

One of the benefits of owning and operating your own business is that you can often take your work with you when you go out of town for a vacation. While that is certainly a good thing, it is important to have reasonable expectations about how much work you will be able to get done while you are on the go. For the past few days, I have been traveling with my family. We still have a few more days of vacation left, and I have not been able to do as much work as I thought that I would … Continue reading

Mixing Business With Travel

One of the great things about having your own home – based business or businesses is that you get to decide how much vacation time you get, and when you can take it. While you may not be able to pay yourself for vacation days that you take, you may still be able to make money while you are on vacation by working a little bit during your trip. The bottom line is, how you approach balancing travel and work is completely up to you. In just a few days, I will be leaving with my family for a road … Continue reading

Lights Out? Work On!

As I sit here writing this evening’s blog posts, the lights in the living room are flickering. With each flicker, I wonder whether that is the moment in which we will lose our electricity to Hurricane Sandy. Since I am in Vermont, there is still plenty of time before the storm passes, so losing power is well within the range of possibilities. In fact, I went through my day today with the notion that it’s not a matter of if the power goes out, but when. After Hurricane Irene struck Vermont last year, we were without electricity for about ten … Continue reading

Home Based Business Idea – Private Investigator

If you have always thought that you would make a great detective, why not start a home – based business where you can do investigative work. Private investigators take the time to sift through and analyze information in all kinds of situations, in order to provide their clients with investigative reports. In addition to excellent investigative skills, you will need good oral and written communication skills because your job will involve talking to people and finding out information, as well as producing investigative reports. As with many types of home – based businesses that require special skills, private investigators must … Continue reading