For Freelance Writers–Do You Keep a Journal Too?

One of the most basic morsels of advice for writers is to keep a journal and many of us just seem to naturally carry a notebook or journal with us wherever we go. However, as we write more and more for pay as freelancers, we may find it harder to take the time to keep up with our journal writing too… Continuing to keep a journal while working on other writing projects and building a freelance writing business is a great way to generate ideas, work out new projects and just keep the “juices flowing” in terms of creative and … Continue reading

Finding Other Freelance Writers

Writing is, by nature, a somewhat solitary and isolating profession. That said, we’ve talked before in this blog about the importance of networking with other writers and getting suggestions, encouragement, and advice from actual peers. But, where do we go to find other freelance writers to add to our sphere of influence? Web sites like this one are a good place to start. There are many online communities and forums dedicated to the world of freelance writing and, depending on your writing work and other interests–you will likely be able to find others who are working in a similar field … Continue reading

Freelance Writers Need Contracts

I’ve written before about whether or not contracts should be used in various home businesses. But, I’d like to stick my neck out and say that in the freelance writing business, contracts are not an option, they really are a necessity! I think that doing any sort of freelance writing–whether it’s journalism, grant writing, marketing writing, web or whatever–a writer needs to have a contract with each and every client! I know that managing contracts can seem like a hassle, but think of them as protection and insurance. It just makes good business sense to have as detailed of a … Continue reading

All About Me- a New Blogger in Town

I started blogging here at less than a week ago, and am just now getting around to introducing myself. I am blogging about home business topics, using my experience to generate advice that other families can use. I started out very small, selling inexpensive items on eBay. I worked up to larger items, then expanded into having 100 or more listings at a time. My record was about 175 simultaneous listings on the site one year at Christmas time. I evolved from eBay into three other sites and sold on all four simultaneously for a couple of years. Needless … Continue reading

A Lot Can Change in a Year

Yesterday I wrote about how home-based professionals who use Elance can improve upon their contractor profile so that they have a better chance of winning jobs and getting invited to bid on better projects. Later in the evening, I decided to follow my own advice and at least get started on improving my own profile. When I looked at what I had written there over a year ago when I joined Elance, I was surprised at how much things had changed. For one thing, I now have experience. When I started out as a freelance writer, I had no experience … Continue reading

Multiple Streams of Income

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch. Great pieces of advice but what does it have to do with business? Starting your own business is a huge commitment of time and money. Even had to wait 5 years to see a profit. Owning a business takes persistence and the ability to weather the storm and keep going even when it seems easier to fold. However, before you become drained of energy and income you may want to takes steps to protect your assets and fund your business without losing your shirt. … Continue reading

Do You Have or Need a Portfolio?

Judging by some of the responses to other blogs, we have a fair amount of writers who visit our hallowed halls. Writers, artists, graphic designers, and other freelancers and consultants are often called upon to share samples of their work with prospective clients. However, assembling a portfolio can be a bit daunting–especially if you haven’t done it before. What is a portfolio, what should be in it and how is it best maintained? In general, a portfolio is a collection of samples of your work. For freelance journalist-style writers, we’re often asked to “submit clips” — which are really copies … Continue reading

Should You Join a Writer’s Group?

I have met writers who belong to one or more “writer’s groups” where they find camaraderie and support for their writing endeavors. Some individuals absolutely swear by the process of reading out their work to other writers and getting comments and critique. From what I’ve been told, the added encouragement, networking and feeling like a “serious writer” are all reasons why people join and become involved in writer’s groups. While I’ve visited one or two, I myself do not belong to any and haven’t really been tempted to join. For me, it’s partly a matter of time—I just don’t have … Continue reading

The Pro Bono Question

I get asked for a lot of free advice. You wouldn’t think so since I’m not really an “in-demand” sort of professional–not a lawyer, or doctor, or nurse or anyone you’d think has a bevy of well-earned education. My background is in nonprofit management–particularly fund development, public relations and marketing for start-ups and organizations in transition. Throw in my freelance writing work and, well, any conversation that starts with “What do you do?” ends up with me being asked for advice. I imagine that it is similar for a lot of you who specialize in “something.” Over a pleasant cocktail … Continue reading

Need a Little Extra Cash?

Looking for a few extra dollars here and there? Want some new ways to generate a little more cash on your own schedule? Read on for a few ideas… * Give lessons or tutor Do you have a talent worth sharing? Whether you play an instrument, are an artist, are great at math, or are a computer programmer, chances are that someone out there would be willing to pay to learn from you. Advertise at music stores, local schools, in the newspaper, and by word of mouth to gather clients. * Freelance writing Nowadays, with Internet articles, blogs, newspapers, and … Continue reading