Do You Have a Marketing Plan?

For many individuals who take the plunge and start their own home business—marketing is one of the last things on the list of things to master. With budgets and business plans, it isn’t always easy to figure out where to begin drumming up customers and marketing the business. For starters, it helps to draw up a marketing plan. A marketing plan is not something that is cast in stone. It is really working document that can be changed and adjusted as you try things and your business evolves and changes. The first step is to determine WHAT you are selling … Continue reading

Are You Ready for the Holiday Hysteria?

“Turducken,” “Festivus,” and now, “OctoNovemCember”. Let the holiday cra-zy begin. Oh, wait, it already has. In fact, seeing Target’s new Christmas commercial last night is nothing compared to seeing Santa stockings hanging next to Halloween candy in Wal-Mart on the day after the 4th of July. Okay, maybe it was July 9th. Regardless, mega-popular couponing website, has come up with a new term for the holiday-inspired retail frenzy which seems to start earlier and earlier each year. The new trademarked catchphrase: “OctoNovemCember.” Get it? To help those who aren’t quite there yet, the company has created a matching mascot … Continue reading

Branded Kids

Last week: “Mommy, life is a fajita.” Last night: “Actually, Mommy, life is not a fajita; it’s a pulled pork sandwich.” Thanks, McCormick. My 8-year-old is not allowed to watch more than an hour of TV per day, but clearly that hasn’t stopped her from being sucked in by marketers hawking prepackaged spice mixtures. In fact, I’m starting to wonder if my child’s habit of integrating commercial content into her everyday life is triggered by the fact that she is limited to just 60 minutes of TV viewing a day. That hour is precious to her and she spends it … Continue reading

FindMyPast Poll Picks Top Leaders With Irish Ancestry

A recent poll was conducted by YouGov for the FindMyPast genealogy website. People were asked to indicate who they thought were the world’s best leaders with Irish ancestry. The top of the list included some former United States Presidents, and the current President of the United States. FindMyPast is a popular genealogy website that is based in Dublin, Ireland. They recently had a poll that was conducted for them by YouGov. The YouGov company conducts global market research that provides insights for brands from around the world. They offer companies a way to understand their consumers and the wider world. … Continue reading

Making the Most of an Internship

Securing a summer internship in the world of professional photography is only part of the battle. Making the most of your opportunity by turning it into a stepping stone for future employment should be your ultimate goal. Even if you are planning to go back to school as soon as your internship is over, you can still put your new skills to use by working the freelance market. Any new skills gained through a summer internship should be used to spice up your portfolio. A portfolio is a compilation of your best work, which you show to prospective clients. If … Continue reading

Genealogy Podcast Roundup – Week of March 5, 2012

It is time for the Genealogy Podcast Roundup. Every week, this is where to look to find brand new episodes of your favorite genealogy podcasts. Once in a while, there will be podcasts that don’t always focus on genealogy, but that have for one episode. The Genealogy Guys released episode number 232 on March 1, 2012. This episode features the first set of interviews that host Drew conducted while he was at RootsTech 2012. This set of interviews is with David Rencher (FamilySearch Chief Genealogical Officer), Lisa Also (expert on Eastern European genealogical research), Jay Verkler, (past FamilySearch CEO), and … Continue reading

The Challenges of Freelance Photography

Once upon a time I seriously considered making freelance photography my primary career. Then, reality set in. Whereas I didn’t mind hustling for jobs and honing my skills, the challenges involved with pricing photos did me in. Figuring out a way to fairly price pictures is one of the most daunting tasks amateur photographers face when trying to turn their passions into profit. Prior to the explosion of digital photography pricing photos was much easier. Back in the “good ol’ days” freelancers could simply refer to a standard pricing chart in order to come up with a quote. After digital … Continue reading

Would You Consume Spit to Lose Weight?

Apparently, the spit of a Gila monster is the next greatest fad in weight loss. The Gila monster, which hails from the Southwest portion of the United States, has been blessed with some mighty miraculous spit. The drug Byetta, which has been successfully treating persons with diabetes for the last three years, contains Gila monster saliva. Many persons in the medical field say it’s an improvement over other medications currently on the market for diabetes. Now studies are being conducted to see if those same properties can be harnessed to help with weight loss. I’m trying to visualize just how … Continue reading

Nicotine Replacement Therapy Use in Pregnancy

As we all know by now, quitting smoking is the very best gift you can give your baby. Not only will you help ensure he has a mother to grow up with, you will be helping his health. Smoking is linked to a wide range of problems, both during the pregnancy and after the baby is born. However, quitting smoking is extremely difficult. Many experts compare nicotine addiction to addiction to heroine. It is that addictive. As a former smoker, I completely agree with that statement. One method some people use successfully to help quit is nicotine replacement therapy. Nicotine … Continue reading

Author Update – Julie Coulter Bellon on Her New Book

Since we last spoke with author Julie Coulter Bellon, she’s released a new novel for the LDS fiction market, “All’s Fair.” I reviewed it earlier today and you can read my thoughts on it here. Now Julie joins us again to talk about this latest development and what might be ahead for her. Julie, “All’s Fair” is your fourth novel for the LDS market and in my opinion, your best to date. Do you have a favorite out of the four? Thank you, I’m glad you liked it! That’s a hard question for me, because each book I’ve written has … Continue reading