Intentional about Helping Others Succeed

Today is the conclusion to my “Intentional about” series I have been doing here in home business. I end with a secret to success…being intentional about helping others to succeed. I realize that for many people it’s a “dog eat dog” world out there. But I come from a different mindset. I believe that those most likely to succeed are those who help others to. Take the job of a writer. In today’s social media world, you have an opportunity to help others in their success. One of the things you are encouraged to do—which does provide a kickback to … Continue reading

Intentional about Your Schedule

One of my biggest struggles in working from home is coming up with a workable schedule. I try one thing to see if it works and when it doesn’t, I try something else. Or I tweak my schedule one week and then implement major changes the next. Of all my “intentionals” for the year 2012, this is probably the biggest one. I don’t know why I can’t stick to a schedule. I guess I’m just one of those people that prefer something different everyday. Yet I know that I would be much more productive if I stuck to one. After … Continue reading

Intentional about Seeking New Opportunities

When I started this blog series off in the beginning of the year, I mentioned several things that I wanted to be intentional about. One of them was being intentional about seeking new opportunities for work. This may not apply to everyone, but for some of us who work at home, we have to be seekers. For instance, freelance writers don’t usually get work dropped into their laps. We have to actively seek work. I have been working steadily, full-time for nearly two years now with a web content company in which I write articles, blogs, news pieces and FAQ’s … Continue reading

Intentional about Your Time

In continuing my series on being intentional about your home-based business, this blog is going to address being intentional about your time. It’s funny how so many people think that because I work at home, I have all this “time” for other things. The reality is that we are all given the same 24 hours a day. I don’t get anymore than the next person. How we choose to use that time is completely up to us. If I do have time to do things like read or whatever else it may be, it is because I choose to make … Continue reading

Intentional about Learning More

The year 2012 I plan on being intentional about learning more. I always admire adults who go back to school or otherwise continue their learning. I was in my late 30’s when I took some online courses, some related to childcare and others were general (such as economics). It felt so good to be learning even later in life. This past summer I had an opportunity to learn more about my field of writing by attending a writing conference in another state. It served as a way to sharpen my skills. Learning more about your field will help grow both … Continue reading

Intentional about Performing Well

The year 2012 is my year to be intentional in all areas of my life. In this blog I am going to address the issue of being intentional about performing well. Performance can be trickier to gauge when you work at home. You don’t have someone providing you objective commentaries on areas you do well in and areas you could improve in. About a year and a half ago I wrote a blog on the benefits of a self-evaluation. A month later I then wrote what I learned from my own self-evaluation. This is one way that you can measure … Continue reading

Intentional about Prioritizing

If you are going to be successful with your home business, you need to be intentional about prioritizing. This is one of my goals for the year 2012. Prioritizing is a way to manage your time. When you work at home it means not only prioritizing your work but your entire day’s schedule. If I were to work outside my home, the option of doing dishes or throwing in a load of laundry wouldn’t be there. But since I am inside my home, it ends up cutting into my work time. I can be a little manic about things. Let … Continue reading

Intentional about Organization

I started off this year with a blog about being intentional about my home-based business. I listed several specific things that I plan on being intentional about, with the first pertaining to organization. Organization is a very important component to a successful home-based business. The more organized you are, the more prepared and on top of things you will be. Nothing is worse than having to search for things, which wastes valuable time. Or finding out that you lost or threw away something that was of importance. So make it your goal this year to be intentional about organization. The … Continue reading

Being Intentional about My Home-Based Business

Many of us are looking for new changes as the year 2012 draws near. I was given a word for this upcoming year and it is “intentional.” This word can be applied to a variety of areas in my life, with one of them being my home-based business. I want to be intentional about my organization. My desk could use some of that. It is time to get rid of those things that are just taking up space. It is time to make my work space more functional. I want to be intentional about my priorities. I need to make … Continue reading

Make Time to be Intentional

Sometimes people can become those caught up in the busyness of life and work situations and doing things that they forget to be intentional about their marriage. What do I mean? All their intentional energy goes into other stuff like career, family or social activities and pleasure. They never take the time to stop long enough to make that time together to talk about their marriage and work though what is happening. They never stop long enough to ask, ’How is our marriage going? Is there anything that needs to be changed? Is there anything that is not working for … Continue reading