Dealing With Interruptions In Your Work Day

Sometimes, it is easy to manage your time when you run a home-based business. You set your work hours, choose a planning and organizing system either on your computer or smartphone or on paper and use it religiously, and there you go. Often, things are not that simple though. Your work time becomes riddled with interruptions and your non-work time also gets invaded by work-related interruptions. What is a home-based professional to do about all of these interruptions – the emails, phone calls, and even mail and package deliveries that seem like small things but can really eat into your … Continue reading

Thoughts For People Just Starting to Think About Home Based Work

People that are thinking about working from home often wonder whether there is actually any money to be made by doing so. There are home-based professionals that are able to pull in quite a bit of money. When you begin looking for home-based work, you must take an inventory of your job skills so that you can locate and apply for the highest paying jobs that you are qualified for. Yes, even if you want to work from home it is important to update your resume so that potential employers can know if you have what it takes to do … Continue reading

Emergency Preparedness for Your Home Based Business

As Hurricane Irene continues on its path towards the Northeastern United States, everyone in its path is preparing themselves for the effects of the storm. Although Irene is likely to weaken and become a tropical storm before it reaches central Vermont where I live, most people have been taking precautions to secure their homes and acquire emergency supplies. The most likely effects that we will encounter here in the Green Mountain State are flooding in low-lying areas and very high winds that can knock down trees and power lines. At my house, we prepared by bringing all loose items from … Continue reading

Internet Malfunctions Do Not Have To Ruin Your Day

For home-based professionals who work online or use the internet to submit their work to clients, a reliable internet connection is an essential piece of business equipment. However, internet connections can and do fail to work properly from time to time. Sometimes, there is nothing that you can do to get through an internet outage except for finding things that you can do offline until connectivity is restored. Even though it may be a bit upsetting at first to have to set the work that you had planned on doing aside because you cannot get online, the very act of … Continue reading