How Innovative Are Your Practices?

Innovation…there is a reason that many large companies and industries are on the lookout for new innovation, that is how businesses grow. By finding new and better ways to do things and getting creative with how the business is operated, companies of all sizes are able to move forward and establish patterns of growth. Even though your home business operation may be small (or tiny), this is no reason NOT to consider how you can be more innovative. Many industries give awards for new innovation or most innovative new business practices—that is how important innovation can be to growing a … Continue reading

Are You Trapping Yourself in a Box?

When I wrote yesterday about creativity and ways to get those creative juices flowing, I also started thinking about how we can create plans and structures in our home businesses that actually inhibit creativity. Our approach to organization can be so structured that we actually trap ourselves in a box and have a hard time getting out… Having systems and plans and getting organized in your home business is important–for those of us with busy lives, we need structure to keep all those balls in the air. Plus, one of the problems that many home business owners face is just … Continue reading

Invigorate Your Business With Innovation

The fact is–we get in a groove. Things are going reasonably well, we are holding everything together and managing to a pretty decent jobs of running our home businesses and our lives, so why rock the boat? Well, sometimes what seems like smooth operations can actually be a rut. In order for a business to grow, we need to interject some “new life” into it occasional and we may need to stimulate some new, innovative, ideas in order to jump-start and invigorate our home businesses. Innovation does not necessarily mean that you need to invent an entirely new way of … Continue reading

The Flow of Creativity

Creativity is important in any work or business operation, but it is not always the easiest thing to access. We can get so bogged down in practical details and the mundane every day stuff in our home business that the last thing we are able to do is get those creative juices flowing. I do think, however, that there are things we can do to stimulate and celebrate the flow of creativity that can help us grow and build our businesses. I may not know much but what I have learned is that the better I feel, the more creative … Continue reading