Android Apps For Your Home Based Business

A while ago, I thought that I would be getting an iPhone. Everyone always talks about how there is an iPhone app for just about anything, so I researched iPhone apps to see what kinds of apps are out there that can be useful for home based professionals. There are quite a few, and exactly which ones are best depend on what kind of business you have. I still have not gotten around to getting a new phone yet, but it looks like I’m going to be getting an Android instead of an iPhone. Hopefully within the next week or … Continue reading

iPhone Apps for Home Based Professionals

As I eagerly await the as of yet undetermined day later this month when I will finally be getting an iPhone, I keep thinking of all of the things that I will want to do with it. Since I own and operate a couple of small home-based businesses, I decided to check out iPhone apps that are useful for people like me who work from home. Smartphones like the iPhone and Android are fast becoming important business tools for small and home-based businesses not just because of their portability, but because the ever-increasing number of apps for these devices enables … Continue reading

Planning Ahead For Busy Times

Everyone knows the old saying, “when it rains, it pours”. When you have a home-based business, rain is a good thing. As the owner and operator of your home based business, you are also the one responsible for attracting clients and customers. This is known in the business world as being a rainmaker. Sometimes, your rainmaking activities produce a deluge of work. That is a beautiful thing – if you have a plan in place for handling a sudden increase in interest in your products or services. Here are a few tips for making sure that you do not get … Continue reading

Online Freelance Work is Going Strong

As a home-based professional who does freelance work online, I am very much interested in how other online freelance workers are doing in the down economy. Today, I took a look at a report on online freelance work which was put out by Elance, a web site where freelance professionals of all kinds can bid on and work on jobs for clients around the world. The report focuses on what has been happening for online freelancers during the second quarter of fiscal year 2011. I am happy to say that things look good for online workers across the broad spectrum … Continue reading