What’s Best for a Cat: Inside or Outside?

Did you know that attitudes toward cats are almost completely opposite in the United States verses the United Kingdom? Not the entire thought about cats, but whether or not they should go outside. In America a popular thought is that it’s better to keep the cat inside. Conversely, in Great Britain it’s often considered cruel not to give a cat the option of going outdoors. Our neighbors lived for a while in England. They applied to the RSPCA for a cat and were almost denied because they didn’t have a kitty door that would allow the cat to go inside … Continue reading

The Grass Is Green Enough on This Side, Thank You

There was a time in my marriage when I thought the grass was greener on the other side. Those were probably some of the most difficult moments in my marriage. I was disillusioned and he was disappointing to me. I had expectations and when they weren’t met, I thought someone else could better meet them. This happened at different points in my marriage. Each time I allowed myself to think the grass was greener on the other side—whether there was a literal person I was thinking of or just the “idea” of a person—it caused greater distance between my husband … Continue reading

Is the Grass Always Greener on the Other Side?

The grass is always greener on the other side, right? Not necessarily but many of us can relate to feeling this way. This can happen in any area of life and it can even happen when you have a home business. When others hear that I work from home, without even knowing what I do, they tell me I am lucky. I think the reason people feel this way is because it sounds so luxurious. They envision you get to sleep in, work when you feel like it, take off whenever you want and stay in your jammies all day. … Continue reading

The Grass Is Always Greener…

Are you sick of being pregnant? Make a list of all the things you miss right now. For one, it will help get it off your chest. Second of all, it will give you something to look back on next year. You’ll gain a new appreciations for life’s smallest luxuries. It can also help cure “baby fever” in the future. Here are some things that I remember missing when I was pregnant with my son: 1. Sleeping on my stomach 2. My favorite jeans 3. The ability to buy clothes anywhere 4. Being able to zip up my coat 5. … Continue reading

Is the Grass Really Greener in Another’s Relationship?

It is very easy to look around at other women and think that they surely have life a lot easier than you. It may be simple things as the cars that they drive or the roses that their husbands bring home in the afternoons. Some women have their homes cleaned on a weekly basis while the rest of us stay up late each night to toss the toys out of the middle of the floor. Some women are treated to a night on the town every weekend while the rest of us are treated to a take-out pizza. I know … Continue reading

Do You Brag about Working from Home?

I posted a Facebook status this week that managed to get quite a few likes. Yet I had hesitated on posting it because I didn’t want to sound like I was bragging. It was on a day that was absolutely gorgeous outside. Low 70’s with a breeze. I managed to finish my day’s work an hour before my children were expected home from school. So I went outside with my Kindle Fire and sat in my favorite corner of the yard. In addition to enjoying “Words with Friends,” reading and looking at my email, I decided to post a status … Continue reading

They Think Life is Easier Without a Husband

Sometimes people ask too much of me. Being a single mom means that my time is already over scheduled but sometimes other people don’t see it that way. They think that because I only have one child and no husband wanting his dinner on the table after a long day at work, that I have all this free time. I hate to break it to you, but I don’t. Even without a husband, dinner has to be made. Without a husband laundry still has to be done, the house still has to be cleaned and the yard mowed. The only … Continue reading

You Just Need a Little Water

I often find myself looking at others around me and thinking, “Wow, their life is so great. They’re happily married, they’ve got great kids who are always so obedient, and their house is always clean! I wish my life was more like that.” We’ve all been there; the grass is always greener mentality. We compare our lives to those around us, without really knowing what goes on behind closed doors. We sit and mope about how we wish our life was so much better, but then we forget to do something about it. Did you remember to water the lawn … Continue reading

Thankful…Even If I am Working the Day after Thanksgiving

Yes, it’s the day after Thanksgiving and I am working. I don’t get to stand in a long line, waiting for door buster savings at my favorite stores…no Black Friday shopping for me. I didn’t get to sleep in very late. In fact, this week doesn’t feel much different than most weeks. The only way I was able to “take off” yesterday for Thanksgiving was to plan my work so that I would end up spending some of my Saturday doing it. Now don’t get me wrong…I am not trying to get sympathy. Would I rather be enjoying the day … Continue reading

Top 5 Most Depressing Jobs

Last week there was a local talk show on. One of the co-hosts on it was talking about an article she had read, which listed the jobs that cause the highest rates of severe depression. This list might surprise you…but it might also include your particular career. First on the list were those who work in nursing homes and childcare centers or homes. Taking care of the elderly and the very young comes with a great deal of responsibility, yet the pay doesn’t match it. I can attest to this, since I used to work as a preschool teacher in … Continue reading