Learning Marriage from Your Parents

I was raised with somewhat progressive views on marriage.  It feels strange to even be typing that, and it’s certainly nothing I ever thought growing up.  I know that on the overall spectrum of views on marriage, the ideals with which I was raised would only be in the middle, and probably closer to the conservative side of the middle.  But it’s still so surprising to me how many people aren’t even that far. I’ve already shared my story about my college roommate.   The reason she and her boyfriend didn’t talk for years about division of labor in the household, … Continue reading

Does Your Spouse Get Your Time?

One of the things couples fail to realize is that many marriage problems stem from a lack of time. You see, it takes quality time to nurture a relationship. If you are spending more time at your job or with your kids, then your marriage is bound to suffer. Now don’t get me wrong, different seasons in life require more attention than others. For instance, when my children were young they naturally required more of my time and attention. But even then, it didn’t necessarily mean my husband only deserved the leftovers. Time can’t always be measured in quantity. It … Continue reading

Top 5 Most Depressing Jobs

Last week there was a local talk show on. One of the co-hosts on it was talking about an article she had read, which listed the jobs that cause the highest rates of severe depression. This list might surprise you…but it might also include your particular career. First on the list were those who work in nursing homes and childcare centers or homes. Taking care of the elderly and the very young comes with a great deal of responsibility, yet the pay doesn’t match it. I can attest to this, since I used to work as a preschool teacher in … Continue reading

Job Satisfaction? Home – Based Professionals Can Have That!

People that are wondering about whether working from home will work for them often have a lot of questions about what it is really like to work at home. One important question that is likely to be on the mind of anyone that is considering making the switch to home-based work is whether home-based work brings as much job satisfaction as work outside of the home. It is certainly easy to go on and on about the lifestyle satisfaction that comes along with making the switch to home-based work, but lifestyle is not everything. In order to feel fulfilled, most … Continue reading

Is Your Job Making You Sick?

Each home – based professional has his or her own reasons why working from home is right for them. Today, I am going to look at how working at home can help people that have one specific reason that they need to leave their office job as soon as possible. While many people may say that they are sick of their job, there are other people that suffer from actual physical or mental illness as a result of their job. Some people are very sensitive to pollutants and toxins in the environment. It does not take much to make them … Continue reading

Should You Exercise When Sick?

I think more than anything I was looking for a good excuse this morning to not exercise. I did a Google search on exercising while you are sick. I shouldn’t have been surprised but there were several articles about this. I have been feeling under the weather the past few days. My body is run down, my throat hurts and I am sure that bronchitis is making its way into my body. It’s hard enough to get up and take care of the family, home and still do my job. But exercise? I don’t even want to think about it. … Continue reading

The Benefits of a Job

Why work? Why yes, I know that you need the money. But work has a lot of other benefits that you may not have considered. If you’re thinking of taking on a part time position after being out of the workforce or you’re considering freelancing, here are a few reasons why that job may be even more valuable than you think. It’s about your health. Depending on where you work, you may or may not receive health benefits at your job. Depending on your home and health situation and your partner’s insurance, a job that is pays poorly but has … Continue reading

7 Cs You Need in a Happy Marriage

Years ago at school, getting a C on a paper or test was a terrible thing. Then at university a C was okay, as it meant a pass with credit. But some Cs are definitely good things in a marriage. Here are some of them. Caring Marriage is about caring for the other person. A couple usually get married because they care so much about each other that they want to spend their lives together. But caring alone is not enough to build a lifetime marriage on. You‘ll need some other Cs. Communication Each of us needs to be able … Continue reading

4 Things You Probably Shouldn’t Talk About at Work

I realize that every office is different and some are more casual than others. However, every job that you ever have should be viewed, at the very least, as a networking opportunity, if not a rung in the ladder. Perhaps you have landed your dream job and have no intentions of ever advancing–but that doesn’t mean that a professional reputation isn’t something to strive for. With that said, here are a few things that are better left discussed after office hours. Other People Nothing speaks more poorly about you than when you dish the goods on someone else. Yet, almost … Continue reading

Can a Job Improve Your Marriage?

Once upon a time over in Pets I wrote about my life as a pets blogger and all the tales I’ve become privy to. People love talking about their fur kids as it is, but when they find out I write about pets? Wow, you should see how much more they open up! Learning I’m also a Marriage blogger doesn’t have quite the same impact. For instance, if someone’s having pet behavior or training problems they ask for my advice. People usually aren’t as eager to admit to problems in their marriages. However, one thing I’ve noticed is what a … Continue reading