I Need Routines Or A Robot

I am not a machine but my life would be so much smoother if I operated like one. When I have established routines for keeping the house clean and the laundry done, life is easier. I am easily distracted. If I’m doing something I dislike and I have the option to do something more fun, like read blogs or check Facebook, my chores get tossed to the side while I relax. I’ve always told Hailey to do what has to be done first, then you can enjoy what you want to do. I find more and more that I’m not … Continue reading

Finding Balance Through Routines

One of the biggest challenges that a home – based professional is likely to face is the issue of balance. How exactly do you keep up with work and the myriad of other things that you have on your plate? It is never an easy task, and the answer is different for each person. The answer is also highly dependent upon what things you are trying to balance. In the couple of years since I became a home – based professional, I have found myself in various positions with regard to how balanced my life is. Since my primary occupation … Continue reading

Hiring A Parents’ Helper

One way that home – based professional parents can get a little extra help with the kids from time to time is to hire a mother’s (or father’s) helper. A parent’s helper is different than a babysitter in that the parent is usually at home while the helper is helping out with the children and the household tasks. Selecting a parent’s helper is similar to selecting a babysitter, so be sure to choose someone that you know you can trust and who is reliable. As with any child care situation, it is often good to set up a trial run … Continue reading

It Is Time to Reinstate Some Routines Around Here

Today, I was thinking about how I am trying to find my way back to some form of regular daily and weekly routines. As I thought about that, I remembered how some of the routines that I had been using in the past helped me to get more work done than I am currently doing now. Of course, I’m not naïve enough to think that simply reinstating my favorite routines will restore my productivity to where it was before our new baby arrived. That said, I am optimistic that our days may run more smoothly and I could get more … Continue reading