Mixing Business With Vacation

Each year, it seems as if I look forward to my family’s summer vacation more than ever. This year is no exception. Things have changed somewhat at our house since last year’s Cape Cod trip. In the span of one year, we had our second child and my husband moved up into a management position. That means that I am busier at home with two little boys to take care of during the day and working from home at night after they go to bed. It also means that my husband is busier than ever, working about sixty hours each … Continue reading

Parents and Vacation Time

With Independence Day falling on a Wednesday this year, many parents with jobs outside the home, took off Thursday and Friday to extend the holiday weekend. Others simply exercised a week’s worth of vacation to spend uninterrupted holiday time with their families. Are you enjoying time away from the office right now? If so, consider yourself lucky. According to a new study, the United States is one of only a handful of developed countries in the world that doesn’t require companies to give their workers time off. In other cases, workers are given minimum vacation time that cannot be transferred … Continue reading

The High Price of Summer Vacation

Can you really afford to take a dream vacation this summer? In some parts of the country, kids are still in school and parents are busy crunching numbers to see if a family escape to the beach, mountains or theme park is financially feasible. Unfortunately, it seems the travel industry is working against frugal families this summer. Especially the ones who enjoy the mega thrills and chills found at popular amusement parks. Look at Universal Orlando. The Florida theme park just raised its single-day, single-park ticket price to $88. The park’s attractions may be friendly, but the price of admission … Continue reading

Single-Parent Vacation?

This summer Logan and I desperately needed a vacation. We were planning on going on a little camping trip for a few days, but I wasn’t sure how to pull that off with just the two of us. Would I be able to get the tent up with the not so helpful help of a three year old? What if I couldn’t get a fire started? Would Logan be bored out of his mind just camping with Mom? Needless to say the camping trip didn’t happen. So we decided that we wanted to make the 14 hour drive to Oregon … Continue reading

The Importance of Working Together

You’ll double the chances of success when you work together as a team. Any lifestyle change, especially one related to getting out of debt needs mutual goals, accountability and support. Here is why working together will help you save money. Mutual Goals You have a mutual goal of getting out of debt, that is great! Believe it or not, just agreeing on this point means that you are already halfway there. Some couples or families say they want to get out of debt but may not make the commitment. Now, you just need to break this down to specifics. Decide … Continue reading

Preparing for Children’s Summer Vacation

When you run a home business and you have children in school, one of the things that you have to prepare for is their summer vacation. And since my children’s summer vacation is less than a month away, I know that I need to get cracking. So what does this mean exactly? Well I think first of all, what it means is sitting down with your kids and having a discussion about some rules and boundaries. Your children need to understand that while a benefit in working from home is your availability to your children, it doesn’t mean that should … Continue reading

How Do Home-Based Professionals Take Vacations?

With summer fast approaching, the topic of vacation is probably at the top of many home-based professionals’ minds. People that work outside of the home often accumulate paid vacation time, and making their vacation plans happen each summer is usually just a matter of letting their employers know when they plan to take time off. Home – based professionals enjoy a great deal of freedom and flexibility in their day-to-day lives, but when it comes to taking vacations there can be quite a bit of effort involved. Since home-based professionals are not paid for the time that they are on … Continue reading

Feeling Busy? This May Be The Reason Why

If you own and operate your own business out of your home, you are probably well aware that being an entrepreneur means that you wear many hats. What you may not be aware of is exactly what those hats are, and how often you wear each of them. It may seem easier to think of your home-based business as a single entity and that you just do “everything” that needs doing. It is actually useful to stop and think for a few minutes about all of the hats that you wear as an entrepreneur. Even just a few minutes is … Continue reading

Don’t Buy That Vacation Club

I worked for several different babysitting agencies in Southern California before we moved to Texas. It was good and easy money. I’ve always enjoyed working with children and I really enjoyed my clients through the agencies. When we lived at the beach, my favorite babysitting job was working for a timeshare at the beach. For several hours on Saturday and Sunday I’d sit in the child-care room with the children and another sitter while the parents toured the facility. The other sitter and I would have a blast playing cards with each other and the children while the kids watched … Continue reading

Another Benefit of Working From Home

Although I have been working from home for quite some time and I am well aware of many of the benefits that I enjoy as someone who works from home, I occasionally become aware of additional ways that working from home benefits me. The most recent benefit that I have “discovered” is that working from home puts me in a good position to eat more healthfully. While this opportunity has existed since I started working from home, I only acknowledged it a couple of days ago when I returned home from my vacation. Going on vacation clears my head and … Continue reading