Keeping it Small on Purpose

I often write about growth and “building up” a home-based business. But, many of us started our home businesses because we wanted to work on a much smaller scale. While we many want to boost our income, one of our main focuses may just be to keep our business small, personal and manageable—and that is absolutely all right! There is no law that states that all of us have to aspire to building a corporation or a conglomeration from our home-based businesses. Many of us actually never even intend for our businesses to be our main source of income—they are … Continue reading

The Purpose of Pain

Sometimes things don’t work at all as we imagine they will. For weeks I thought about how much better my arm would feel and what a relief it would be to get the cast off. The reality was far different. I was unprepared for the pain once the cast was removed. Words fluttered like restless butterflies through my mind. Surely there must be something wrong? This couldn’t be right? As though sensing my unspoken fears, the doctor assured me the break was healed, but I could continue to be in pain for some time. It could take up to six … Continue reading

The Top 10 Small Business Insurance Do’s and Don’ts

The Do’s this is a quick list for the things every small business owner wants to consider when it becomes important to insure for the risks we need to have covered. #1 Think about the insurance issues during the start-up process of your new business and have applications and insurance policies issued when needed. If there are partners be sure to ask for a buy-sell agreement and use life insurance to fund the agreement in the event one of the partners were to die. #2 Find an Insurance agent who can service all of your small business and personal lines … Continue reading

Pets Might Help With Social Skills

A small research study done in France indicates that a pet can help a child who has an autism spectrum disorder to develop his or her social skills. It appears that the timing of the pet’s arrival into the family needs to be when the child is younger, rather than older, for best results. According to the Mayo Clinic, kids who have autism tend to have difficulties in three crucial areas of development. They struggle with social interaction, language, and behavior. One of the things that can help a child who has an autism spectrum disorder is called Applied Behavior … Continue reading

Spending is Up, but Not Earning

Industry experts are reporting that Americans are tapping into their savings accounts and using credit cards in an increased account of spending in what they are calling a spring shopping spree. It is bringing a little boost to the economy, but these analysts warn that it might not last long, since earning is not keeping up with spending. People are buying everything from new cars to average consumer goods. This in spite of the fact that gasoline prices are way up and the job market is still very tight. In fact, it is predicted that gas prices will go up … Continue reading

Getting Ready For A Yard Sale

Have you been spring cleaning? Are you finding a houseful of things that you no longer need? Now is the perfect time to start planning that spring yard sale. Every year my subdivision has a community yard sale, it’s a great time to get rid of things I don’t need and make a little extra money. A little preparation now will make sure you are ready when the time comes for the big sale. As you are cleaning closets and dresser drawers, take out anything that is too small, out of style, or you just don’t like anymore. This goes … Continue reading

Create Some Routines

You spend so much time cleaning your house. Every weekend, every where in the world, people are wasting precious weekend time cleaning. This defeats the purpose of a weekend, a weekend should be for family and relaxation, instead we find ourselves scrubbing toilets. The way to break this pattern is with routines. Once your house is clean just a little maintenance here and there will keep it that way so you don’t have to waste your weekend. Develop a routine for your morning. Mornings are hectic so if you don’t have a routine down it won’t get done. Think of … Continue reading

Time To Do A House Scrub

Is your home ready for the holidays? Mine certainly isn’t. I’ve been trying to get ready, slowly, but sadly, I’ve not accomplished much. I really need to get ready for company. We usually host Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner, sometimes a Christmas party as well. We don’t always do those on the designated day because we want our friends to be able to celebrate the holidays with us without having to choose between us and their families. Before the stream of people, I need to get the house ready. For me, that means lots of decluttering. I try to keep the … Continue reading

Get Creative with Cranberries

I live in the heart of cranberry country. Wisconsin leads the nation in cranberry production, and this year the state harvested one of its largest crops ever. We’re talking 7,363,000 barrels of the tart and juicy crimson berries. Did you know that cranberries are one of only three fruits native to North America? Concord grapes and blueberries complete the list. However, with Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner, all eyes are on the festive-looking cranberry. Fortunately, cranberries are an incredibly versatile fruit that can be used to create an array of seasonal treats, from decorations to delicious desserts. What’s … Continue reading

Are You Paying Too Much In Property Taxes?

There are many costs associated with owning a home. Mortgages, homeowners’ insurance, utilities, care and maintenance, and of course property taxes. While property taxes do serve an important purpose, keeping as much of your hard earned money as you can also serves an important purpose. It is entirely possible that you are currently paying more than your fair share of property taxes, and there are things that you can do to get your property tax bill adjusted so that you pay no more and no less than you ought to. In a perfect world, your home would be reassessed as … Continue reading