Keeping House While Working From Home

If you work from home, people may have this strange idea that you have oodles of spare time that you could use to keep your house looking immaculate. While that may be true for some home – based professionals, most of the ones that I know are either very busy looking after their children while running their businesses or very busy with their businesses if they don’t have kids or have older children. We probably have approximately the same amount of time available for house cleaning that anyone else does. That said, when you work from home a clean house … Continue reading

Finding Balance Through Routines

One of the biggest challenges that a home – based professional is likely to face is the issue of balance. How exactly do you keep up with work and the myriad of other things that you have on your plate? It is never an easy task, and the answer is different for each person. The answer is also highly dependent upon what things you are trying to balance. In the couple of years since I became a home – based professional, I have found myself in various positions with regard to how balanced my life is. Since my primary occupation … Continue reading

Finding Balance in the Unbalance

As a single parent you may feel like your life is in utter chaos about 90% of the time. You are running from one thing to the next all day long, you hardly have time to take a shower in the morning, let alone brush your teeth. You are doing the work of two, so naturally you have a lot on your plate at any given time during the day. There are always a million things to do; get up, get the kids ready for school, go to work, come home, make dinner, help kids with homework, give the kids … Continue reading

Stress and Stress Relief – Keeping The Balance

After reading this post by Richele McFarlin, I felt so relieved. It turns out that I am not the only one who gets overwhelmed or questions her capabilities from time to time. Thank you Richele for reminding me that we home – based professionals, like everyone else, are real. We each have our own things that we struggle with from time to time, and we all have to reach out and ask for help sometimes. Lately, I have been attracting work like a magnet. I am excited because I love my work, but I can not pretend that it does … Continue reading

Tips For Keeping More of Your Money

There are a couple of basic ways to have more money – earning more and spending less. Both involve time and effort, but there are a few simple things that you can do to make sure that you are spending as little as possible on certain items. If you go through this list and check off an item or two each week, in a few weeks you will have started the New Year with the knowledge that you are not overpaying for a few different things. One thing that you can do is to make sure that you are not … Continue reading

Keep Your Business Thriving By Keeping Customers Happy

Home based professionals know that when it comes to keeping their small businesses on the path to success, customer satisfaction can be a deciding factor as to whether or not a home-based business (or any business, for that matter) will continue to thrive. While attracting a stream of new customers to your business is certainly important, focusing on the needs of present customers in such a way that keeps them coming back again and again is absolutely essential for success. Repeat business and happy customers that tell their friends to buy your products or use your services can create more … Continue reading

Keeping Tabs

Do you keep tabs on your money? I’m not talking about reading your bank statements and watching the balance, although both of those things are important, to be sure. I am talking about watching the pennies and the dollars. I know that if I put $60 into my wallet, it can easily disappear. There are no wallet-searching thieves in my neighborhood, just a propensity for buying popsicles and household items and a few extra groceries. Sure, we need all of them, but if I didn’t have the $60 we would make do without them, and life would be just as … Continue reading

Why Are the Little Things So Important?

Often I think about what one aspect of living the gospel stands out as the most important thing that I should focus on, and I never can quite pinpoint what one thing is the most important. Every aspect, and principle is equally important to maintaining and strengthening your testimony. Each individual aspect works to make you balanced and whole, and neglecting one aspect such as personal scripture study, personal prayer, paying your tithing or attending the temple can all have a negative influence on you. It is important to remember that the little things help to maintain an overall peace … Continue reading

Ask a Health Blogger: Static Electricity

When winter comes, I notice that I’m a lot more static-y. The worst is getting out of the car — I always get a shock when I’m closing the door! What’s behind the “shocking” change? I have the same problem — winter seems to be my time to give and receive a lot of those little static jolts. Basically, static electricity is caused by an imbalance in positive and negative charges in electrons, which are part of every single atom that makes up the universe. The cause for the personal shocks is deceptively simple: dryness. Winter tends to be a … Continue reading

Self Esteem- A Balanced View

Yesterday we looked at how important it is to build up and encourage our marriage partner. It is also important we have a realistic view of ourselves. Yes, Romans 12:3 says each of us should not‘think more highly of himself than he ought to think.’ Of course this verse applies to women as well. Every woman should not think more highly of herself than she ought to think ‘but to think so as to have sound judgment.’ That also means not doing the opposite and putting ourselves down and feeling inadequate or inferior. We all have a habit of comparing … Continue reading