Protecting Yourself from a Debt Relief Company

If you are seriously in debt, you may need the help of a debt relief company. These companies promise to get the creditors off of your back, negotiate for you, act as a shield of protection, and guide you to the right way to pay off that debt. Unfortunately, for a majority of these companies, the real goal is to scam you out of any remaining assets that you might have. Here is what you need to know and need to look for in a debt relief company, in order to protect yourself. First of all, why would these companies … Continue reading

Score One for the Kids

Since becoming a parent I try very hard not to judge other moms and dads. However, there are some things that I simply cannot reconcile being done to children regardless of circumstances: severe beatings, starvation, mental abuse… and leaving a kid alone in a vehicle. I realize that many, many parents routinely leave their children unattended in vehicles during quick pit stops at stores, the post office, gas station or when picking up older kids at school. I once met a mom who left her 6-month-old strapped in an infant carrier in the back seat of her vehicle while she … Continue reading

Introducing Chrestomanci

Knowing how lonely Cole is when we leave him alone, I decided it was time to get another cat. After putting a lot of thought into it, I picked one I’d met through my experiences volunteering at the local rescue. He’s around Cole’s age and gets along with other cats. He’s a love bug; when faced with the possibility of affection he goes for it with gusto, emitting a loud rusty chain purr and mashing himself within the arms of whomever’s holding him. He’s perfect, both for Cole and for the whole family. He’s called Chrestomanci, after a character in … Continue reading

Making The Work-At-Home Environment Work For You

One of the major differences between working at home and working outside of the home is the environment. This can be a blessing or a curse, depending upon who you are and what makes you feel happy and be productive. The good news is that while you cannot usually make casual Friday into casual every day when you work outside of the home, you can sometimes recreate the things that you love about working outside of the home in your home-based work life. For some people, working at home is a dream come true. Once they make the transition to … Continue reading

Asthma and Weather

If you have asthma, what triggers an attack for you may be very different from what triggers an attack for another person. Common asthma triggers include: smoke, air pollution, dust mites, mold, and animal dander. But for some people, the weather itself can trigger an asthma attack. Extreme cold, high humidity, and even thunderstorms can kick off an asthma attack. Many chronic lung issues are exacerbated by weather — so the problem isn’t unique to asthmatics. It used to be that experts suggested asthmatics live in warm, dry climates. But nowadays, we have a lot of technology that lets us … Continue reading

Thoughts on a Year at the B&B

Time sure flies when you’re scooping kitty litter! Today is my one year anniversary with the cats-only boarding facility. I’ve learned a lot about our feline friends over the last three hundred and sixty-five days. The first (and most important) thing I’ve learned is a true appreciation for cats. When I first started work at the cats-only boarding facility, I knew a little bit about kitties. I’ve never owned one of my own due to allergies and a general preference for dogs… but after the past year? I could see myself living with a cat someday. It’s the guests themselves … Continue reading

Make Your Work Day more Organized, Directed and Purposeful

I know what you’re thinking—you’re thinking that if you COULD make your work day more organized, directed and purposeful, you would have done it already! Unless you are Martha Stewart or some fine impersonation, most of us can stand some improvement in our organizational and time management skills when it comes to operating our home businesses. I know that for me, even after running my business for over two years now, there are still plenty of days when I stumble to my desk or computer and wonder what I am going to do for the next several hours. A little … Continue reading

Is Your Support Group Supportive (1)?

Many people participate in support groups for a number of different health conditions. For the most part they play an important role in the recovery or acceptance of that particular medical condition. The fact that there are so many support groups for the myriad of health ailments that plague us is a testament to their popularity and value. This is especially so when it comes to support groups for mental illness. Nothing beats the comfort of being able to talk freely about your depression, your anxiety disorder, your mood swings, or your irrational thoughts. Knowing that you are not alone … Continue reading

Saboteur – Dean Hughes

Dean Hughes is one of my favorite LDS authors, as I have proven by repeatedly acting like an idiot whenever I’ve had chance to meet him. “Saboteur” is his 2006 release, a story of espionage, danger, and love set during World War II. Andy Gledhill’s mother is French and he speaks the language well. When he decides to leave his hometown of Delta, Utah, and become a paratrooper, his skills catch the eye of the Office of Strategic Services, and they ask him if he’d be willing to undertake an unusual assignment. They want to drop him into France to … Continue reading

Planning A Stress-Free Vacation

In my previous blog I discussed the fine art of vacationing. For some workaholics, scheduling time off to enjoy some well-deserved R&R is a daunting task. The following are some tips on how to make the transition from slaving at your desk for 16 hours a day to reclining in a lounge chair on a tropical island a bit easier. Plan Ahead. Nothing creates stress faster than when you are forced to run around like a headless chicken. Make sure you book reservations in advance for flights, accommodations and activities, and have confirmation information on hand prior to leaving on … Continue reading