What Advice Would You Give to Someone Just Starting Out?

Some of us here at the Home Business Blog are beginners—folks just starting out in the world of home-based businesses. Others of us have been at this a while and, when pressed, may admit to making every possible mistake that COULD be made along our bumpy path. I’m curious about what some of the veterans have learned and what sort of advice you might offer to those who are just starting out and following along in your footsteps? Hindsight is 20/20—or so that is how the saying goes. I know that I did benefit from mentors and have had plenty … Continue reading

How Much Planning Before You Open Your Doors?

Some of us fall into our home businesses, others of us spend a long time researching and planning before we ever take the plunge into entrepreneurialism and the home business world. What is optimal? How much planning should a person put into getting all the ducks in a row before hanging up the shingle and letting everyone know that he or she is open for business? At the very least, a person starting a home-based business should look ahead a year and develop an expense budget and a business plan. Just the process of working on a business plan can … Continue reading

Learning and Borrowing From Business Models–Part One

Perhaps, you have heard the term “business models” before and wondered what exactly it meant? A business model is really just a style or type of business operation. It may seem like there is only one way to “do business”–but that is not true, there are definitely all sorts of different ways to set up and operate a business. Many people find that it is easier and makes more sense to adopt an existing, successful, and proven business model than to try to invent one of their own. In reality, you may already have adopted someone else’s business model in … Continue reading