Tips For Gathering And Supporting Family

The month of December includes several holidays, including Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and Solstice. Many people enjoy gathering together to celebrate with members of their families during these holiday celebrations. For best results, follow these tips for gathering and supporting family members. Plan Gatherings Around The Most Vulnerable Family Members CNBC News reported advice from Dr. Katrine Wallace, an epidemiologist at the University of Illinois Chicago. Her number one piece of advice is to plan gatherings around the most vulnerable family members. Vulnerable communities include people who are immunocompromised, children, and elderly people. Dr. Wallace listed the following examples of how … Continue reading

Frugal Seasonal Family Getaways

If you can deal with dirty looks from your kid’s teacher, then consider heading off on a pre-Christmas getaway.  Families working with a tight budget, who want to sneak in a winter vacation before Santa Claus comes to town, must act now. Dozens of family-friendly vacation destinations are offering money-saving deals for clans who complete their travel before Christmas Eve, including: California:  Don’t wait to do Disney during your child’s winter break from school.  Rather, if you want to save big on hotel accommodations, travel during the first three weeks of December.  That’s when you will find deals like the … Continue reading

Weddings And Kinship Terms Part 1 – There Are No Cousins In Law

Last week, my sister got married. It was an incredible event, complete with a sunset cruise on a beautiful schooner. I am very happy for my sister and her husband, and I really enjoyed visiting with them and meeting his family for the first time. As is the case with any wedding, the uniting of two families brings about family history related discussion aplenty. One discussion that I remember has to do with kinship terms, more specifically how the two totally adorable ring bearers are now related as a result of the wedding. One of the ring bearers is my … Continue reading

How to Handle Bullying

October is a month that has been dedicated to the anti-bullying initiative, however, this is something that should be addressed continually throughout the year. It is something we are all familiar with, but when your child becomes the victim of it, it can be difficult to decide how to handle the situation. Teach your children early on that it’s not okay for anyone to treat them poorly. If one of the kids hurt their feelings at school, be sure to tell them that just because someone said something mean about them doesn’t make it true. Let them know that it … Continue reading

Keep Calm And Potty On

After a few weeks of relatively smooth sailing as far as potty learning is concerned, Dylan has started to regress. I think that this started some time yesterday, and there were quite a few accidents today. As tempting as it was to tell him that little boys who treat their underwear like diapers will wear diapers, I resisted. Instead, I decided that I would do some research on potty learning regression. The first thing that I learned about regression is that it is quite common. That does not take the frustration away, but it reassures me that this is not … Continue reading

Inviting, Pleasing to the Eye and Comfortable

What emotions do you experience when you enter your bedroom? Does it feel like a sanctuary, a place where you can truly unwind after a long and difficult day? Or does it feel more like the rest of your life…cluttered and chaotic? We may not give much thought to the feelings that rooms in our home can stir, but they can make a significant difference. This is true for the start of your day and the end of it. I don’t like waking up to dirty dishes and dust bunnies. I try to manage my home enough that the start … Continue reading

The Many Benefits of Walking

A couple of weeks ago my husband and I decided to take a walk by the lakefront in our hometown of Milwaukee. The reason had less to do with exercise and more about getting out of the house. We had just experienced our firstborn child leaving the home. He left for basic training in Texas with the Air Force. We were left with a lot of mixed feelings. Dealing with our emotions was difficult. At times we were even at odds with each other, which is why my husband suggested a walk by the lake. For some reason being away … Continue reading

Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say

I have always been one to avoid confrontation. There’s nothing I hate worse. Because of this, I often don’t express myself in a way that really lets the other person know how I’m truly feeling. While it is important to approach these situations with care, it is equally important to let your voice be heard. This is crucial in cases of divorce. This is one side of communication that my ex-husband and I really struggle with. In an effort to avoid confrontation neither one of us communicates the way we are feeling and eventually we both get tired of it … Continue reading

Walking The Same Road In A Different Way

Today, Dylan, Blake, and I went out for a walk after dinner. There was still plenty of daylight left and I thought that it would be a nice way to relax and unwind as we got closer to bedtime. Usually when we all go out for a walk, I wear Blake in a front pack and Dylan rides in a jogging stroller. That is how we started out. About four minutes into the walk, Dylan started to get upset. I asked him what he needed, and he told me that he wanted to get out of the stroller. I tried … Continue reading

Illinois Mom Abandoned Special Needs Daughter in Tennessee

A mother from Illinois drove to Tennessee specifically so she could abandon her daughter there. The daughter is nineteen years old, and has some severe special needs. Legally, the mother was no longer officially the guardian of her adult daughter, and so, cannot be charged with a crime for abandoning her. Eva Cameron is a mother who lives in Algonquin, Illinois. She has three children: a daughter who is sixteen years old, a son who is seventeen years old, and a daughter named Lynn Cameron, who is nineteen years old. Lynn has special needs. She has diminished mental abilities, and … Continue reading