Setting Up Your Work Space

If you are working from home, you probably already know that you need a dedicated space where you can go to work. Having a home office helps you to keep your work life and home life separate so that you are not thinking about work all day while you are doing other things at home or with your family. A home office also creates a visible cue for your family which can help them to understand and respect the boundary between your work time and your personal time. That said, most of us do not have the space nor do … Continue reading

Think Fast – Did You File Your Taxes Yet?

As if your home-based business does not keep you busy enough, the month of April brings with it more than just those pesky rain (or snow) showers. That’s right, its tax season, and the deadline for filing your tax return is (gasp!) tomorrow. It is easy to understand why home-based professionals may procrastinate a little bit when it comes to filling out all of that tax paperwork. There is a lot of information that you must gather in order to prepare your tax forms, and you want to be sure that you include all of the necessary information and don’t … Continue reading

Are You Thinking About Becoming A Freelancer?

If you are looking to start a home-based business and you have a skill like web design, graphic design, event planning, or writing, then you have the option of providing your services as a freelancer. A freelancer is a skilled professional who is self-employed, and is not committed to working for one particular company or organization. Before deciding whether a career as a freelancer is for you, there are a few benefits and drawbacks of the freelance life that you may wish to consider. The best way that I can describe the benefits of being a freelancer is to simply … Continue reading

Maintaining Work-Life Balance Is An Ongoing Effort

Do you ever feel like just when you have just gotten your work schedule for your home-based business integrated into the rest of your life, something happens that sends you back to the drawing board to reevaluate your work-life balance? If this happens, do not despair. The various important parts of your life will most likely not always follow the same routine, adjusting and readjusting your schedule and commitments (both work and otherwise) is part of the work-at-home life. Any home-based business owner will likely tell you that the effort to maintain a balance between their work and their life … Continue reading