PROMPT Service and Attention

Sometimes I think that the business world is on fast forward—what we used to have a week to accomplish, we are now expected to get done in a matter of hours. I’m the first person to admit that this rush, rush, rush can get to be too much pressure and too much speed. But, when it comes to waiting for a response to an inquiry or a phone call, the longer the wait, the more likely it is the customer will loose patience and choose to go someplace else. Recently, I was at an open house for one of my … Continue reading

How Hard Can You Push Others…And Get Away With It?

One of the reasons I love my home-based business is that I really do like working on my own. I like not having to rely on others in order to complete projects or get things done on time. Still, we often have to deal with clients and customers who need to be prodded and pushed in order to accomplish things. The trick comes in learning how hard we can push and prod before we start to drive them away?! Of course, everyone is different, but I’ve learned that some people really need a bit of prodding and pushing and those … Continue reading

Sometimes, They Just Need a Little Hand-Holding

Who among us hasn’t found ourselves losing patience with a particularly challenging customer or client? What seems pretty simple and “self-explanatory” to us can sometimes be confusing and troubling to one of our prospects or customers. As much as we might want to tell them firmly to “get a grip”–sometimes, they just need a little guidance and hand-holding and they might develop into loyal and steady customers. In one of my incarnations, I do a lot of work and interaction with people from all over the world. This means that there is often a challenge when it comes to language, … Continue reading

Let Customers See and Touch Your Product

There is absolutely nothing like “hands on”–that is why so many business offer samples, put out touchable displays, and why people flock to see demonstrations at conferences and events. People want to touch, feel and taste something before they actually plunk down their hard-earned money to purchase it. Whenever you can in your home business, put your product or services right in the hands of those customers and prospects you home to sell to. Think of your own purchasing habits–aren’t you more likely to buy a car after you have test driven it a couple of times? And, if you … Continue reading

Make Ordering and Purchasing Easy

I have written before about my professional background in nonprofit management—specializing in fund raising and public relations. One of the things I learned in my former incarnation is that we need to make it as easy and simple as possible for people to respond to our requests. For our home businesses, this means that we need to make ordering products or contacting us to purchase our services as easy and pain-free as possible. If people need to jump through a lot of hoops to get to us, they will lose interest and give up. If they have to leave several … Continue reading

Using Attention “Grabbers”

Before you can make a sale or convert someone from a prospect into a customer—you first have to get their attention. Some relationships take time to nurture and cultivate, but it doesn’t hurt to develop some savvy with using attention grabbers in your marketing materials. If you are interested in exploring ways to use attention grabbing statements, phrases or words in your marketing materials (or letters or anything else you might be using to attract customers and clients)—look at things like slogans, headings, salutations, opening statements, whatever a prospect is likely to see first. Word selection is important, but so … Continue reading

Touch Base Regularly With Prospects

This may seem like incredibly simple advice–but I am surprised at how often people sight “marketing to prospects” as one of those areas that needs to improve in their small businesses. We know that we need to do outreach and pay attention to marketing if we are going to build healthy home-based businesses, but we drag our feet. Or we get so caught up in the “every day” or going after the big sales, that we forget to nurture along our prospects. It might help if you set up a calendar and make it a priority to make regular, scheduled … Continue reading