My Biggest Obstacle: Time Management

When I list all the things I do to someone they usually remark, “Wow, you must be the queen of time management.” As my face shows sheer surprise as my eyebrow lifts and I move back taken off balance by such a statement I laugh and reply, “Uh, I try.” I then chide myself for such a lie. I may try from time to time to manage my time but most of the time I am fail and my time is wasted on silly tasks like wondering how many times I can say “time” in a sentence. Is there any … Continue reading

What About Me?

I just need five minutes to myself! How many times have you thought or actually said those words? Just five minutes and I’ll feel like a human being again and can deal with all of this. As a single mother there isn’t any downtime, unless you make it. I know many single mothers who wait to read, or sew or watch TV until after the kids are in bed. Then once the kids are in bed and they’ve picked up the family room, washed the dishes and threw in a load of laundry, it’s time for bed and they never … Continue reading

Getting Things Done With The 50 Minute Focus

One very important skill that all home – based professionals must master is time management. Many of us have limited time in which we can do our work, and even those of us that have more work hours available to them want to get the most that they can out of every one of those hours. Today I am trying out an exercise that is said to help individuals maximize their productivity. You may or may not have heard of the exercise called “50 Minute Focus”. The exercise itself is simple. You spend fifty minutes intensively focused on one task, … Continue reading

Indoor Safari Park

Jessie and I had stopped going to play places for a long time because it wasn’t fair to Emily. When Emily was a baby we could leave her in her Chicco Keyfit on the floor. When Emily got a little bigger we could put her in a high chair. It was easy. I could watch Jessie play and sit with Emily. When Emily became a mover and started crawling, she didn’t want to sit patiently in a high chair anymore; she wanted to get up and play. I wasn’t comfortable letting Emily down to crawl around because while the places … Continue reading

What Do Your Portion Sizes Look Like?

Each week I try to work on a new healthy lifestyle goal. This week I have started working on portion size. This is one way that I want to work on finding satisfaction, not overindulgence, when it comes to my food. The biggest obstacle in my weight loss journey has been food. Setting goals to lose weight is great but what happens if you just plain love food? I am not quite ready to make drastic changes in my eating habits. There are some things I don’t want to give up, at least not at this point in time. I … Continue reading