Materials to Encourage Spiritual Growth in Kids

All the materials below are ebooks and can be downloaded in an instant! The ABC’s For Godly Children is a comprehensive, Bible eCurriculum centered around teaching children ages 4-10 about the God they serve and how to have a heart like His. By using each letter of the alphabet a Bible lesson is presented in an understandable and interactive format to teach core truths concerning the Gospel, Godly Character, and Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. Your children will learn their ABC’s and a necessary Biblical foundation as they connect them through Scripture memorization, detailed lessons, simple crafts, and interactive song.   ~$8.00 each The Dig for … Continue reading

What is the Lesson I can Learn Here?

Some of us belief that life is random—that things happen on a natural course and there is no purpose or no plan. Others of us believe that everything is very structured and everything has a purpose and someone who is dictating what happens all the time. Still others of us have a more moderate view of the way life works—regardless of your personal philosophy, I do think there are constant lessons offered up that are ours for the learning. Even the most painful and chaotic situations can have nuggets of learning opportunities tucked inside. Getting through a rough patch is … Continue reading

Can You Feel Yourself Growing and Changing as a Parent?

I often talk about how my kids and I have influenced and affected each other. I know that they have picked up things from me, but I have picked up things from them too. I wondered if other parents can actually feel this growth and evolution? Can you look at who you used to be and who you are now and FEEL the difference? There have been some pretty intense periods in my parenting career—times when I felt as though my skin was being stretched and my brain was imploding. I could literally feel myself being pushed and pulled into … Continue reading

Open Yourself to the Opportunities

It may not look like your life is full of opportunities—in fact, during the average day it may just look like duties, responsibilities, and “have to’s”—not exactly what one might think of when one looks for opportunities. But what are challenges and obligations if not really opportunities in disguise? For me, shifting my thinking to “opportunities” can be incredibly powerful. Of course, as I am only human I do not always remember to do it! For some reason I cannot help but get bogged down with feeling a bit downtrodden and weighted with obligations. Parenting and running a family solo … Continue reading

Who Are Your Learning Partners?

I believe that we have people in our lives for reasons. Even those people who are the most challenging can be good learning partners–allowing us to learn important life lessons, develop knowledge and skills, or work on personal development. I still think that we have a great deal of choice in the matter, however, and we don’t have to take in anyone and everyone who crosses our paths. We can choose people who will be positive additions to our lives as our partners on the journey. I think of my kids and I as being learning partners–after all, some of … Continue reading

Balance Intellect and Intuition

I wrote earlier today about the importance of our personal belief systems in guiding and motivating our home businesses but I also wanted to talk a little about the role of brains and intellect and the role that intuition can play in helping us steer and grow our businesses. It is balancing the two sides that is important. I do believe that there is a role for brains, logic and intellect AND guts and intuition. We need to be able to tap into both if we are going to have a whole, balanced approach to our business operations. Our intuition … Continue reading

Expecting Transitions

We adults and parents are not the only ones to go through transitions. We may think of our children as growing up or going through developmental stages, but our kids go through plenty of transitional periods too. As parents, understanding and expecting transitions can help us to be able to keep things in perspective, be supportive, and keep from making a “big deal” out of behavior choices or circumstances that are transitional. Sure, there are those reasonably predictable developmental stages that appear on the charts at the doctor’s office and in parenting books, but our children have individual growth patterns … Continue reading

Just Think of All the Teachers You Have!

When life starts to get overwhelming and I wonder why I am having such a hard time with things, it helps me to think of my mistakes and trials in terms of lessons. If I am really learning all these lessons, then all these individuals who I come across in the course of my days and weeks must surely be teachers who are helping me to learn those lessons… I am not sure where I heard the term “learning partners” first, but I have a friend who uses it often to create cushions of compassion for those people who we … Continue reading

What Are My Lessons for Today?

I truly believe that life lessons come to us from all directions, and they tend to happen whether we think we are ready for them or not–this includes lessons that come to us while we are working or technically “on the job.” As a matter of fact, I think that we often get lessons in our work life that reinforce or parallel some of the lessons that come to us in other areas of our lives. What is currently going on in your home business that is providing you an opportunity for lessons and learning and how can you make … Continue reading

Do Challenges Keep Us Interested?

Years ago, I had a boss who told me that challenges in the workplace were what kept people interested and motivated. Over the years, I’ve gone back and forth in regards to whether I agree with her or not. I do know that I have left jobs that were not mentally stimulating and people have more of a tendency to get burned out at jobs where there are no changes, new activities, or interesting things happening. But, I’ve also been at jobs that were way too crisis-driven to keep my interest. Too much drama and I start to shut down … Continue reading