Hosting Your Own Workshop, Seminar or Event

Many of us participate in workshops, conferences and seminars as part of our home businesses—either as a way of making customer contacts and sales, or as a way of networking, or even as a way of improving our skills and competency. Have you ever thought of hosting your own workshop or event? Hosting a workshop or a seminar can be a great way to make contacts, present pertinent and interesting material and promote your business. Some individuals are even able to make a decent amount of money on conferences, workshops, classes, and the like. The thing to remember, however, is … Continue reading

Business Before Pleasure?

Recently, I was chatting with a few people at a conference. The debate was whether or not people who attend conferences are really there for business or if they just come to “play”—it got me to thinking of the old adage that “business should come before pleasure.” I can’t help but think it comes down to balance and that quite a bit of “business” and networking can occur in the midst of entertainment and pleasure. I don’t agree that most people attend work functions, networking events and conferences just for the “pleasure” part. I really do believe that we are … Continue reading

Turning Specialized Knowledge Into a Home Business

Some of the most successful home businesses I know are ones where the proprietor has turned specialized knowledge or skills into a thriving business. As you look for ideas for your home business, or consider expanding your current operations—don’t overlook special skills, contacts, or knowledge you may have acquired that could be valuable to customers and clients. Sure, you might think of highly educated consultants as a perfect home-based business, but if you have specialized skills and knowledge in things like shipping and mailing, mechanics, appliance repair, second (or third) language skills, etc. these can be perfect for a home-based … Continue reading

Do You Need to Brush Up on Your Math Skills?

I have been able to get by for most of my career with the most basic of math skills. But, with the advent of starting my own small business, not only did I need to re-learn some math techniques, but I needed to brush up on some basic accounting and geometry as well! I am of the opinion that math is NOT like riding a bicycle. If you don’t use all those formulas and skills you learned in high school and college math classes, I think they do just fall out of one’s head—especially for a non-mathematically inclined English major … Continue reading

Presenting and Teaching at Workshops and Conferences

While some people build their businesses on speaking, teaching and presenting, others can use presenting and teaching at workshops, classes and conferences as a way to market and grow an existing business with a different focus. Perhaps you have considered teaching or wondered if branching out and presenting at industry conferences could be a way for you to expand and supplement your business? Just about every industry or field of business has conferences, workshops, and professional development. If you are a massage therapist or a child care provider, there are conferences geared toward your profession. Sure, you can attend conferences … Continue reading