Does a Messy Home Mean Happier Kids?

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about having a more peaceful home. Not too long ago I wrote about how I am trying to NOT yell at my kids in the article, The Voice of Domestic Peace. Part of working on that goal is working on eliminating stress from my life. There is a direct correlation between stress in my life, and how often I raise my voice at my kids. I want it to stop. Unfortunately, like the rest of the world, there are a lot of things that cause me stress. It is in my genetics to have … Continue reading

Another Day Another Way To Be Thankful For Home Based Work

It seems like every day, I find new reasons to be thankful that I work from home. Since every day in my life as a stay at home mom is slightly different, I have the opportunity to see my situation as a home – based professional from many different angles. Today, my observations in this area consist of two primary sentiments. Today’s first reason that I am thankful to be a home – based professional comes from my experience as a lawyer. I am thankful that as the owner of my own tiny little law firm, I am in control … Continue reading

Freelance Work Makes Work Accessible From Anywhere

Lately, I have been talking a lot about freelance writing. There are a couple of reasons why I talk about it so much. Firstly, I love it. I had no idea that I could have so much love for a career that I basically stumbled into as I looked for work that was compatible with being a stay at home mom. Secondly, many of the topics that I talk about in regards to freelance writing can be applied to freelance work of all kinds. The variety of work available to freelancers of all sorts is simply amazing. The third reason … Continue reading

Do You Brag about Working from Home?

I posted a Facebook status this week that managed to get quite a few likes. Yet I had hesitated on posting it because I didn’t want to sound like I was bragging. It was on a day that was absolutely gorgeous outside. Low 70’s with a breeze. I managed to finish my day’s work an hour before my children were expected home from school. So I went outside with my Kindle Fire and sat in my favorite corner of the yard. In addition to enjoying “Words with Friends,” reading and looking at my email, I decided to post a status … Continue reading

Tips For Combining Working at Home and Parenting

Being a stay at home parent is a full time job in and of itself. Small children have big needs, and making sure that those needs are met takes a great deal of time, effort, and patience. Some home-based professional parents work at home to keep their professional skills sharp or because they do not want to wait until a later date to keep moving towards their career goals. Others work from home out of economic necessity. Whatever your reason or combination of reasons, you definitely want to be successful in both your role as a parent and your role … Continue reading

The Magical Experience of Homecoming

What a big weekend this was…the return of my son from Haiti (to be covered in another blog) and then my daughter’s first dance, homecoming at her high school. I mentioned in a previous blog that I wasn’t allowed to attend homecoming. My parents were pretty strict and I am sure they had their reasons but in their effort to be protective, I believe I missed out on something really memorable. In fact, I was talking to a young woman yesterday who made the comment that because she was homeschooled she and her sister never attended homecoming. For her it … Continue reading

Supermoms and Depression

When I saw a recent headline about so-called supermoms being at a higher risk for depression my first thought was “Who isn’t a supermom these days”? Whether you work outside of the home or not the pressure on moms is high. There seems to be an expectation that regardless of what is going on mom needs to keep the household running. That may not mean she has to do it all, but certainly she has to make sure it all gets done. I don’t consider myself a supermom at all. Until recently I worked a full and part time job, … Continue reading

Mommy Secrets Revealed

If you were anywhere near the Internet today, then you likely saw the headliner of the summer courtesy of NBC’s Today show: “Moms Confess Their Deepest, Darkest Secrets.” Ooooooooohhhh! The mere title is enough to raise one’s hair, blood pressure… and more importantly, traffic on the morning show’s website. If you were like millions of curious moms around the world, once you clicked on the “Secrets” link, you learned that the confessions had little to do with tawdry trysts with the neighbor’s pool boy or a panache for pilfering Pina Colada mix from the in-laws. Rather, the top-secret secrets moms … Continue reading

Home Study Interviews Part 1

When the application is complete, the references are in; the safety check is complete so now what? Now the fun begins! You will have a couple’s interview and an individual interview. When you process the application you will be asked to write letters individually about your spouse, your marriage, your extended family. In the letter they want to know about your spouse’s good features, and their bad ones. When the couple’s interview starts you will be asked about items that are in your letter. They will want to know who manages the money, which one makes the hard choices, who … Continue reading

Home-Based Work Is Secure Work

Sometimes in the course of our daily lives, we witness events that cause us to pause for a moment and reflect upon our circumstances. People that are considering transitioning to working at home and people who have made the transition to home-based work may have this type of experience upon learning that a friend or family member has lost a job. They may also have this type of experience upon learning that a local business is closing its doors. This week I have witnessed some very sad events, as a local business in the town where I live has drastically … Continue reading